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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband novel Chapter 1063

Chapter 1063 Sudden Death!

Hayden and Freya spoke on the phone at least three times a day ever since their university days.

Sometimes, when Hayden was busy, Freya would take the initiative to call him.

It was rare for them not to talk for a whole week like this.

Even when Hayden and Maura were engaged, and Freya had intense conflicts with him, such a situation never occurred.

Hayden even went to check their last conversation record, but the result still showed it was a week ago.

Hayden decided to call Freya, but a mechanical voice told him, "Sorry, the number you dialed is unavailable!"

"Unavailable? What's going on?" Hayden became increasingly anxious.

At that moment, his assistant, who had been hesitant to speak, finally said, "Mr. Gollust, there have been escalating rumors on the internet about you and Miss Chambers rekindling your old romance. I suspect Miss Mcbride might have seen this news and got angry."

"What news? Let me see!" Hayden was furious.

In fact, Hayden had a hunch that Maura might have another move up her sleeve and had planned to deal with it after he got out.

However, Hayden fell ill right after leaving the hotel, and he was sick until now.

The assistant quickly handed his phone to Hayden and said, "Reporters captured photos of you and Miss Chambers entering the hotel together, and they also said that you two stayed there until dawn and then left separately."

The assistant added, "What's strange is that after the news broke, netizens overwhelmingly criticized Miss Mcbride as the third party. So I suspect Miss Chambers might have hired online trolls to guide public opinion."

Hayden quickly skimmed through the news and realized that the assistant's analysis was correct.

He did need to hold Maura accountable, but Hayden knew what mattered more at the moment was to meet Freya and make sure she was safe.

That was right!

Since Hayden heard that Freya's phone number had become unavailable, he felt extremely uneasy.

Hayden's intuition told him that Freya might not just be angry at him.


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