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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Undercurrent

Early the next morning, Byron returned home.

Osborn liked it when all the families were together, so all members of the Hansen family gathered in the Hansen Mansion on the morning of the first day of the Christmas holiday.

Lydia and Eason arrived early in the morning. Eason even brought Mia, who was pregnant, to meet Osborn.

Osborn's second son, Patrick, also brought his sons and daughter-in-law here, and Osborn's third son, Ben, also brought the whole family, including his grandson. Although the fourth son, Mark, who was not married, came here with his illegitimate child early in the morning.

In short, everyone had worked hard to please Osborn.

Osborn's attention was still on these few people, chatting and laughing with them.

But as soon as Byron came in, Osborn seemed to see no one else but him.

"Byron, where did you go on Christmas Eve?"

Osborn came to Byron with a cane to complain even though he staggered.

"Dad, merry Christmas. I just went to drink with Carter."

Osborn was slightly annoyed. "Why did you go to drink during this time? You seldom have such a chance to rest!"

Mark tried to ease him. "Dad, it's ok for Byron to go out. Don't blame him and be angry on such a wonderful day, ok? It's understandable for young people to have fun occasionally."

Mark seemed to be pleading for Byron, but he did so to attract Osborn's attention for himself and his other siblings.

Osborn's wife, Nora, also agreed. "Stop blaming Byron on such a day. He seldom comes back. I made a big meal for him. Don't ruin his good mood so he won't have the appetite."

So Osborn stopped blaming Byron and gave him a gift. "Then I won't blame you. Here you are. Wish you a happy Christmas."


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