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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 Incomparable

"Are you back with him again?"

Lucas' eyes were bloodshot, his anger flaring as he watched Byron pull Cora into his arms.

Without waiting for Cora to answer, he raised his voice again. "Is that why you won't forgive me?"

Cora had originally wanted to wrench herself free and explain the situation so as to clear up any misunderstandings.

However, seeing Lucas' reaction, she decided to change her approach. "At least my time with him was not as embarrassing as my time spent with you!"

Lucas felt that she was indirectly admitting that she had returned to Byron's side. "Haven't you always insisted that you weren't the third party? What's the point of repeating the same mistakes with him?"

Byron was feeling quite pleased because Cora didn't deny their relationship in front of Lucas.

However, his good mood dissipated upon hearing Lucas' words, and he had a sudden urge to punch Lucas in the face.

At that moment, Cora spoke, "It's better to repeat the same mistakes with him than to be with you. At least he won't let other women humiliate me!"

Cora thought that Byron had done perfectly in that regard.

"I didn't mean to ignore the scene. I just..."

Lucas was in a panic, knowing that Cora was referring to his lackluster performance when Chloe forced her to write onstage, whereas Byron had reprimanded Chloe despite Jane's presence.

He had reflected on it afterward, but even if he had the chance to do it all over again, he wouldn't be able to reprimand Chloe as fiercely as Byron did, because the Quinn family and the Hurst family were deeply entwined and shared many of the same interests. Moreover, his mother was the president of the Calligraphy Association. Any insult to Chloe, the vice president, would be an indirect insult to his mother.

Cora pointed out the obvious when she noticed that Lucas was flustered and struggling with his words.

"You just couldn't afford to humiliate Chloe, which would risk breaking the relationship between your families. Moreover, you couldn't tarnish the reputation of the Calligraphy Association that your mother runs."

Lucas couldn't argue because Cora had hit the nail on the head.


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