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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband novel Chapter 756

Chapter 756 A Rich Man

"Okay, tell the manager. I'll come over when I'm done here."

Georgia heard someone calling her. She subconsciously turned around after hanging up the phone.

The moment she saw Lenard, pain, astonishment, and bewilderment all flashed in her eyes one by one.

But in the end, all emotions returned to calm.

"Why are you here?"

Georgia had already concealed her emotions well, looking at Lenard indifferently.

But Lenard didn't know if he was hurt by the indifference of his former lover and asked Georgia coldly, "Why are you here? I should ask you this question."

Georgia was puzzled. Why would an outsider come to ask her when she was in her home?

But before she could reply, Layla's voice came. "Lenard, I've been looking for you for a long time. What are you doing here?"

When Layla came over, Hadley and his wife also came over.

The whole family was busy studying the structure of the mansion and the age of some ornaments. But they couldn't find Lenard when they turned around.

Layla was quite worried that Lenard would get lost in such a big house. She was very anxious.

Hadley and his wife were also busy helping her find someone.

After searching for a long time, they found that Lenard was chatting with a well-dressed girl under a tree.

In this situation, how could they treat Lenard and this girl kindly?

"It's nothing. I met an old friend and chatted for a few words." Lenard frowned but tried his best to restrain his anger.

After Layla stepped forward to look at the woman a few times, she recognized that it was Lenard's ex-girlfriend Georgia.


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