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Snatched a Billionaire to be My Husband novel Chapter 935

Chapter 935 Human Killer?

Since Efren and Georgia's families were well-matched, it was suitable for them to get married.

However, Efren was a bit old, so he was regarded as out of Georgia's league to marry her.

And the Hansen family was worried that Efren had just a three-minute passions for Georgia and would not really treat her well, so they secretly asked Efren to promise not to let Georgia get pregnant within three years after they got married.

In order to get the approval of the Hansen family, Efren also fulfilled his promise very seriously.

The wedding night was an exception when he loved Georgia so much that he couldn't help but make love with her...

He just didn't expect that although they took birth control so seriously, Georgia was still pregnant.

So she must have conceived the baby on the wedding night.

Thinking of this, Efren was satisfied and proud.

Georgia conceived his child on the wedding night...

Georgia didn't know what the old man was thinking but only felt that his explanation just now was to the point.

Therefore, she didn't struggle anymore and was still whispering in his arms, "Auntie said that conceiving is a matter of fate and told me to cherish it."

Speaking of this, Georgia became annoyed again.

"Why am I telling you this? I haven't made sure whether I'm pregnant yet! Maybe Auntie made a mistake."

In order not to make Georgia happy, Efren agreed with her and said, "Yes, let's go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow morning."

Speaking of this, Efren remembered that she was complaining just now that the spaghetti was unpalatable.

"You should not be full yet. How about I cook something for you?"

Georgia was a little surprised. "You can cook meals? Can I eat that? Would it be an unpalatable dish that would kill me?"

Cora was so beautiful and smart, but the meals she cooked were terrifying.

Efren was also handsome and capable, so Georgia really didn't have much hope for his cooking skills.

But Efren said, "Just try it and you will know."


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