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Sold as the Alpha King's Breeder novel Chapter 1964

Chapter 1964

The footage continued to play on the screen.

A while later, Sophia and Heather started to incite a search on Caprice's purse.

Caprice gave her purse to Beverly.

Beverly searched her purse in front of the crowd and found the diamond necklace in the deepest compartment of the purse.

Caprice finally knew what happened.

Beverly intentionally reached deeper into the purse at the very end to sneak the pink diamond inside and take it out in front of the crowd, so that it would look like Caprice had it in her purse all along.

Even an idiot knew what happened after seeing the footage.

The footage ended after that.

The crowd was once again silenced and only the screen's noise could be heard.

Those who criticized Caprice were all silenced, nervous and anxious.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Duwait were in an awkward position as well.

Caprice was mistreated at their estate and they were unaware of it until now. They did not know how to face John and Sherry without guilt eating them up.

"That’s enough!" Mrs. Duwait said to stop the playback. She began to think of an apology to Caprice.

It was then Sherry said, "No. Don't let it stop."

Both Isabel and Caprice were still fine in the footage. Their hair was not messed up and their faces were clean.

Sherry wanted to know what happened after that.

Chapter 1964 1

Chapter 1964 2

Chapter 1964 3


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