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Sold To A Gang Leader novel Chapter 30

Sold To A Gang Leader

[He owns her]



(Sold out)

Shawna's POV

My heart beat rapidly increased as the person that pushed the door open walked in and then stopped on seeing Luwis and I in that position.

I gulped and sat up then shifted away from Luwis who also sat properly on the bed.

"Shawna, what's going on here?" Ma'am Sandra who just walked in asked.

She has a surprise look on.

"Um...he...I.." I stammered thinking of what to reply but couldn't find any.

"I was teaching her how to use her new phone, I'll get going" Luwis was the one that answered after a long silence.

I watched him as he got up and left afterwards shutting the door behind him.

I felt weird. It felt weird that ma'am Sandra had to find me in that particular position with him.

I fiddled with my fingers, my eyes fixed on the floor. I know it's wrong. I feel guilty. What if Dillion finds out?

Oh I'll be so dead if he finds out but I know ma'am Sandra won't sell me out.

"You called him to come teach you how to operate your new phone?" Ma'am Sandra suddenly spoke up walking to sit on chair close by.

"Yes...no actually, he just visited and knew about the phone" I answered turning to look at her.

"Don't try it again, don't try to get so close with him. You don't know him, even if you do know him as long as you're here and you're Dillion's....." she sighed and continued.

"My point here is, maintain some distance with him. It won't be so good once Dillion finds out that you two were actually that close."

"Lemme tell you one thing. Dillion actually hates sharing. That's why he has never been to a hotel just to play with some random slut for the night. He will never do that, he is reserved so he hates it. Have that in mind" she concluded.

"Anyways explain how today's classes actually went" she said after a pause.


**Next day**

I walked into the college gate. So wild.

Luwis had actually brought me to school today. Ma'am Sandra said I'll be assigned to my personal driver soon but not now so she had personally asked Luwis to bring me to school and I in turn told him to drop me off at the school gate.

I wanna walk in myself, I wanna take a good look around by myself.

He dropped me off like I told him and I started proceeding inside, looking from left to right feeling so excited.

I haven't walked for long before a familiar figure showed up.

"Matthias" I called stopping dead on my track. He stood facing me.

"Hey, how're you?" He asked.

"I'm good. You're early?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm always early. Who was that that brought you to school? Your boyfriend or your driver?" He answered and asked as we both proceeded ahead.

"Nope, he's a friend. You can call him a friend" I replied.

"Wow! He must be a good one to bring you to school everyday. You must be lucky" he cooed.

"Um...yeah" I shrugged not wanting to reveal any more thing to him.

"So, you must be rich, huh?" He said.


"Yeah, look at your dressing. A poor person won't wear this. Even your dressing yesterday looked expensive too" he went on and I kept looking at him confusingly.

I mean why this conversation?

"I'm sorry to ask but who exactly is your father? I'm not tryna interrogate but um..I think I like you so in order to let my feelings...."he stopped talking when I stopped walking.

"I'm going too far aren't I? But I seriously like you, so I want to know if I'm good enough for you, that's it" he said lowly his gaze on the floor looking so pitiful.

"Um... Matthias, I'm really sorry to ask but how come you suddenly like me? We just met yesterday, didn't we?" I questioned.

"Yes, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. Your accent, your aura. The way you stare, your pretty face couldn't disappear from my head. To tell you the truth, you are the reason I came early" he explained surprising me.

"Re..really? You like me that much?" I asked and he nodded.


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