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Son In Law Madness novel Chapter 996

Chapter 996 Beautiful Legs

Even though Donald had always been quite impatient with Eileen, the flight attendant, no one could deny that she was indeed very attractive, and her figure was good as well.

Many people perceived flight attendants as goddesses at first glance. In reality, it was entirely due to the enhancement of their uniforms and the training they received that made them appear more charming.

However, in Eileen's case, those two things were exactly the opposite.

Eileen had a great figure, so good that when she wore the flight attendant's uniform, it only served to enhance her beauty, like the icing on the cake.

Just like today, even if Eileen didn't wear her uniform but was dressed in casual clothes, it made her even more beautiful and charming.

She was wearing a trendy, elegant, simple white shirt with a butterfly collar paired with a form-fitting pencil skirt.

She looked different compared to her daily work attire paired with stockings.

Today, with her bare, slender, and beautiful legs exposed, Eileen attracted the attention of many men.

The reason men enjoyed seeing women in stockings was because stockings not only shape the body but also conceal imperfections.

After all, not every girl had nearly perfect leg shape.

Also, not all girls had legs as smooth as silk.

However, Eileen possessed both.

Judging by the shape of her legs, Eileen could definitely be considered as having the perfect pair.

At a height of one hundred and seventy-four centimeters, she looked exceptionally alluring with her long legs.

What made it even more perfect was that Eileen was wearing a pair of black sandals today.

The arches of her feet were beautifully curved like those of an angel.

Her ten delicate toes were bare of any nail polish.

Furthermore, beneath her fingernails was the healthiest shade of soft pink.

Donald prided himself on his self-control, but even so, he couldn't help but steal a couple more glances at Eileen's long legs.

Women were very sensitive to the gaze of men.

As soon as he sneaked a peek, he was immediately caught by Eileen.

Hmph, just as I thought, all men are the same. They all like long legs.

Even though Eileen thought that way, she was actually feeling quite pleased inside.

She deliberately sat next to Donald, crossing her long legs.

“Are you going back to Pollerton?”

Donald hummed in agreement.

“It seems we're on the same flight. Can I see your ticket? I'll check where you're seated.”

Originally, Donald didn't want to show it to Eileen.

But upon seeing Eileen looking at him with wide, expectant eyes, Donald sighed and handed her his plane ticket.

“So, you're in first class, huh?”

After Eileen saw Donald's plane ticket, her expression immediately darkened.

“Here. You can have it back.”


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