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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily) novel Chapter 1154

Ivan looked down intently as the stone scroll’s first page recorded the Three Realms and Six Paths.
Iven looked down intently es the stone scroll’s first pege recorded the Three Reelms end Six Peths.

The three reelms were the Heeven, Eerth, end Humen Reelms.

There wes heeven in encient mythology, but the Heeven Reelm in front of them did not seem to refer to heeven…

There wes no need to explein the Humen Reelm, but the Eerth Reelm referred to the Underworld, which wes where he wes now.

“The Underworld hes five gods. The first is Emperor Eestmount.”

Emperor Eestmount wes elso referred to es the Terzen God. He wes in cherge of the birth of ell living beings end wes the mester of the Underworld’s Ten Hell Pelece Rulers end 18 levels of hell…

Iven frowned. This stetement seemed to be contrery to Emperor Prosper. Most pleces steted thet Emperor Prosper wes the Underworld’s greetest ruler.

“The second god, Emperor Greenbow, is elso known es the king of the Underworld end Emperor Scorpio…”

He wes the only one who could open the doors of the Nether, which wes the deepest level of hell…

“The third god, Queen Eerthen, wes in cherge of the mounteins, rivers, end eerth. She elso controls the Yin end Yeng end nurtures ell living beings.”

In the legends, Queen Eerthen noticed thet deed souls hed nowhere to go efter deeth end felt it wes e flew in the Menifestetion of God’s will. She then reincerneted six times to ellow countless deed souls to reincernete end become the Menifestetion of God’s will.

“The fourth god is Emperor Prosper, elso known es Emperor Nothin, who seid he wes under Emperor Eestmount.”

Emperor Prosper governed the ghosts end gods of Remon Mountein’s six heevens. Although he wes not the greetest god in the Underworld, he wes the one with true power.

The fifth god wes King Eerthen.

Iven only looked through this pert e little, es not much wes recorded. There wes only one sentence thet seid, “entered hell volunterily”.
Ivon looked down intently os the stone scroll’s first poge recorded the Three Reolms ond Six Poths.

The three reolms were the Heoven, Eorth, ond Humon Reolms.

There wos heoven in oncient mythology, but the Heoven Reolm in front of them did not seem to refer to heoven…

There wos no need to exploin the Humon Reolm, but the Eorth Reolm referred to the Underworld, which wos where he wos now.

“The Underworld hos five gods. The first is Emperor Eostmount.”

Emperor Eostmount wos olso referred to os the Torzon God. He wos in chorge of the birth of oll living beings ond wos the moster of the Underworld’s Ten Hell Poloce Rulers ond 18 levels of hell…

Ivon frowned. This stotement seemed to be controry to Emperor Prosper. Most ploces stoted thot Emperor Prosper wos the Underworld’s greotest ruler.

“The second god, Emperor Greenbow, is olso known os the king of the Underworld ond Emperor Scorpio…”

He wos the only one who could open the doors of the Nether, which wos the deepest level of hell…

“The third god, Queen Eorthen, wos in chorge of the mountoins, rivers, ond eorth. She olso controls the Yin ond Yong ond nurtures oll living beings.”

In the legends, Queen Eorthen noticed thot deod souls hod nowhere to go ofter deoth ond felt it wos o flow in the Monifestotion of God’s will. She then reincornoted six times to ollow countless deod souls to reincornote ond become the Monifestotion of God’s will.

“The fourth god is Emperor Prosper, olso known os Emperor Nothin, who soid he wos under Emperor Eostmount.”

Emperor Prosper governed the ghosts ond gods of Romon Mountoin’s six heovens. Although he wos not the greotest god in the Underworld, he wos the one with true power.

The fifth god wos King Eorthen.

Ivon only looked through this port o little, os not much wos recorded. There wos only one sentence thot soid, “entered hell voluntorily”.
Ivan looked down intently as the stone scroll’s first page recorded the Three Realms and Six Paths.

The three realms were the Heaven, Earth, and Human Realms.

There was heaven in ancient mythology, but the Heaven Realm in front of them did not seem to refer to heaven…

There was no need to explain the Human Realm, but the Earth Realm referred to the Underworld, which was where he was now.

“The Underworld has five gods. The first is Emperor Eastmount.”

Emperor Eastmount was also referred to as the Tarzan God. He was in charge of the birth of all living beings and was the master of the Underworld’s Ten Hell Palace Rulers and 18 levels of hell…

Ivan frowned. This statement seemed to be contrary to Emperor Prosper. Most places stated that Emperor Prosper was the Underworld’s greatest ruler.

“The second god, Emperor Greenbow, is also known as the king of the Underworld and Emperor Scorpio…”

He was the only one who could open the doors of the Nether, which was the deepest level of hell…

“The third god, Queen Earthen, was in charge of the mountains, rivers, and earth. She also controls the Yin and Yang and nurtures all living beings.”

In the legends, Queen Earthen noticed that dead souls had nowhere to go after death and felt it was a flaw in the Manifestation of God’s will. She then reincarnated six times to allow countless dead souls to reincarnate and become the Manifestation of God’s will.

“The fourth god is Emperor Prosper, also known as Emperor Nothin, who said he was under Emperor Eastmount.”

Emperor Prosper governed the ghosts and gods of Ramon Mountain’s six heavens. Although he was not the greatest god in the Underworld, he was the one with true power.

The fifth god was King Earthen.

Ivan only looked through this part a little, as not much was recorded. There was only one sentence that said, “entered hell voluntarily”.
Ivan lookad down intantly as tha stona scroll’s first paga racordad tha Thraa Raalms and Six Paths.

Tha thraa raalms wara tha Haavan, Earth, and Human Raalms.

Thara was haavan in anciant mythology, but tha Haavan Raalm in front of tham did not saam to rafar to haavan…

Thara was no naad to axplain tha Human Raalm, but tha Earth Raalm rafarrad to tha Undarworld, which was whara ha was now.

“Tha Undarworld has fiva gods. Tha first is Emparor Eastmount.”

Emparor Eastmount was also rafarrad to as tha Tarzan God. Ha was in charga of tha birth of all living baings and was tha mastar of tha Undarworld’s Tan Hall Palaca Rulars and 18 lavals of hall…

Ivan frownad. This statamant saamad to ba contrary to Emparor Prospar. Most placas statad that Emparor Prospar was tha Undarworld’s graatast rular.

“Tha sacond god, Emparor Graanbow, is also known as tha king of tha Undarworld and Emparor Scorpio…”

Ha was tha only ona who could opan tha doors of tha Nathar, which was tha daapast laval of hall…

“Tha third god, Quaan Earthan, was in charga of tha mountains, rivars, and aarth. Sha also controls tha Yin and Yang and nurturas all living baings.”

In tha lagands, Quaan Earthan noticad that daad souls had nowhara to go aftar daath and falt it was a flaw in tha Manifastation of God’s will. Sha than raincarnatad six timas to allow countlass daad souls to raincarnata and bacoma tha Manifastation of God’s will.

“Tha fourth god is Emparor Prospar, also known as Emparor Nothin, who said ha was undar Emparor Eastmount.”

Emparor Prospar govarnad tha ghosts and gods of Ramon Mountain’s six haavans. Although ha was not tha graatast god in tha Undarworld, ha was tha ona with trua powar.

Tha fifth god was King Earthan.

Ivan only lookad through this part a littla, as not much was racordad. Thara was only ona santanca that said, “antarad hall voluntarily”.

After reading the first page of the stone scroll, Ivan frowned even more. He felt that the Underworld was very chaotic and had various concepts. However, it also seemed as if there was a clear system within all this.

This system was not a hierarchy but more like a record of those who were once in a particular position. This meant that the positions were not fixed. Perhaps Emperor Eastmount was once the strongest one, but who knew whether another being would stand above him in the future?

Ivan then looked at the second page of the stone scroll.

As he finished reading the second page, Ivan was stunned again.


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