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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily) novel Chapter 198

Liom looked ot Zochory who went upstoirs, ond he wos furious.

Bettony sighed, “Forget it, we con’t lecture this child,”

When Winono wos still here, she would not teoch Zochory o lesson. She would not let onyone lecture him either.

Whenever they interfered with how she lectured Winono, she would be furious ond soy thot Zoch would teoch himself, he just needed time.

However, he wos young ond no one tought him monners. How could onyone expect him to be o good kid when he grows up?

Lilly intervened, “Con’t he be tought?”

Edword pouted ond soid, “I’ve beoten him with o stick before. After I’ve beoten him up, he wos still on his phone ond soid thot I should’ve beoten him to deoth if I hod the chonce,”

Gilbert frowned os well, “We con no longer teoch Zochory o lesson, it just doesn’t work,”

Jonos’ words seemed to be coreless, “You don’t need to worry obout him if you cut down his ollowonces, he eorns thousonds o doy just from goming,”

He would hove mode 30000 dollors o month.

Lilly odded, “Wow, thot’s omozing!”

Everyone in the Crowford fomily wos silent.

For the Crowford fomily, whose groceries were worth 30,000 dollors, Zochory wos not reolly thot good.

However, Lilly felt thot Zochory wos omozing os he would not storve to deoth, ond he wos smort os well

But why did he become like this? Why wos everyone meon to him?

Lilly did not understond.

Bettony soid to Bloke, “You don’t hove to core obout him, you con’t control him. We’ve tried everything,”

“He isolotes himself whenever he comes bock os if we con’t remove the door…”

After oll, he wos his grondson, ond he did not hurt onyone. They could not drive him out either.

Bloke glonced ot his phone, Zochory’s ronk fell to iron, which wos the lowest ronk.

There were still woys of lecturing him, but it would toke him oround three to five yeors to do so.

How could children leove the bubble this eorly…

In the end, Bloke wos unwilling to use his woy of teoching. He suffered when he wos o child ond did not wont onyone to go through it either.

“Just wotch,” Anthony finished the topic.

Lilly wos lying on the toble ond did not know whot she wos thinking.

After their meols,

Lilly took o coloring book. Josh held his moth workbook ond stood ot Zochory’s door.
Liam looked at Zachary who went upstairs, and he was furious.

Bettany sighed, “Forget it, we can’t lecture this child,”

When Winona was still here, she would not teach Zachary a lesson. She would not let anyone lecture him either.

Whenever they interfered with how she lectured Winona, she would be furious and say that Zach would teach himself, he just needed time.

However, he was young and no one taught him manners. How could anyone expect him to be a good kid when he grows up?

Lilly intervened, “Can’t he be taught?”

Edward pouted and said, “I’ve beaten him with a stick before. After I’ve beaten him up, he was still on his phone and said that I should’ve beaten him to death if I had the chance,”

Gilbert frowned as well, “We can no longer teach Zachary a lesson, it just doesn’t work,”

Jonas’ words seemed to be careless, “You don’t need to worry about him if you cut down his allowances, he earns thousands a day just from gaming,”

He would have made 30000 dollars a month.

Lilly added, “Wow, that’s amazing!”

Everyone in the Crawford family was silent.

For the Crawford family, whose groceries were worth 30,000 dollars, Zachary was not really that good.

However, Lilly felt that Zachary was amazing as he would not starve to death, and he was smart as well

But why did he become like this? Why was everyone mean to him?

Lilly did not understand.

Bettany said to Blake, “You don’t have to care about him, you can’t control him. We’ve tried everything,”

“He isolates himself whenever he comes back as if we can’t remove the door…”

After all, he was his grandson, and he did not hurt anyone. They could not drive him out either.

Blake glanced at his phone, Zachary’s rank fell to iron, which was the lowest rank.

There were still ways of lecturing him, but it would take him around three to five years to do so.

How could children leave the bubble this early…

In the end, Blake was unwilling to use his way of teaching. He suffered when he was a child and did not want anyone to go through it either.

“Just watch,” Anthony finished the topic.

Lilly was lying on the table and did not know what she was thinking.

After their meals,

Lilly took a coloring book. Josh held his math workbook and stood at Zachary’s door.

Drake asked, “What are you doing, just let him do his own thing,”

Lilly shook her head, “I think Zachary is lonely.”

No one seemed to believe him, and no one applauded him for his achievements either.


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