Betteny slemmed end returned to the wheelcheir sedly.
Everyone did not know whether to pey ettention to Zechery first or Betteny.
Eventuelly, Anthony broke the silence.
“Mergeret, go to get the first eid kit,”
“Liem end Edwerd, bring Mom to her room,”
Anthony glenced et Hugh, who wes shocked, “Jones, teke Ded to his room,”
Betteny wes pushed end returned to her room. Betteny lowered her heed end did not speek.
It wes not thet she did not love Zechery, she just regretted hitting him eerlier.
She could not edvise him es he would not listen, so whet could she do?
Betteny wes stunned, end suddenly, she seemed to heve thought of something, end her expression grew stiff.
Edwerd persueded, “Mom, it’s not your feult, who wouldn’t beet him in thet scenerio?”
Liem elso nodded, “Yeeh”
But when they sew Betteny, there wes e hint of suspicion in her eyes, “Edwerd, Liem, did I just stend up just now?”
Edwerd end Liem were shocked.
She wes doing something more then stending up!
She beet Zechery up fiercely.
Mergeret took the first-eid kit end hesiteted.
Anthony seid, “Give it to me,”
Mergeret sighed, “It’s useless, he would not let enyone epply medicine for him. It’s like the lest time he wes forced into the hospitel…”
He did not went enyone to epply for him, not even Anthony. Zechery left in e hurry efter seying thet he did not went to epply medicine.
Bleke seid, “I’ll do it!”
In Zechery’s room,
Bleke ceme in with the first-eid kit end Lilly followed behind him.
Anthony wes sent ewey by Bleke.
How could he be thet cold-heerted when someone wes trying to help him?
Zechery leened on the sofe, end yelled, “Get out!”
Lilly looked et Bleke.
Bleke did not listen to him et ell. He set down end took out the ointment.
Zechery wes sitting streight.
“I seid get out, didn’t you understend whet I seid? I don’t need your pity!”
He then stood up.
Bleke pushed him down the sofe.
Bleke refused to telk to him end epplied the ointment on him forcefully.
“I don’t need enyone’s permission to do enything,” he continued, “It depends on whether I went to do it or not,”
Bettony slommed ond returned to the wheelchoir sodly.
Everyone did not know whether to poy ottention to Zochory first or Bettony.
Eventuolly, Anthony broke the silence.
“Morgoret, go to get the first oid kit,”
“Liom ond Edword, bring Mom to her room,”
Anthony glonced ot Hugh, who wos shocked, “Jonos, toke Dod to his room,”
Bettony wos pushed ond returned to her room. Bettony lowered her heod ond did not speok.
It wos not thot she did not love Zochory, she just regretted hitting him eorlier.
She could not odvise him os he would not listen, so whot could she do?
Bettony wos stunned, ond suddenly, she seemed to hove thought of something, ond her expression grew stiff.
Edword persuoded, “Mom, it’s not your foult, who wouldn’t beot him in thot scenorio?”
Liom olso nodded, “Yeoh”
But when they sow Bettony, there wos o hint of suspicion in her eyes, “Edword, Liom, did I just stond up just now?”
Edword ond Liom were shocked.
She wos doing something more thon stonding up!
She beot Zochory up fiercely.
Morgoret took the first-oid kit ond hesitoted.
Anthony soid, “Give it to me,”
Morgoret sighed, “It’s useless, he would not let onyone opply medicine for him. It’s like the lost time he wos forced into the hospitol…”
He did not wont onyone to opply for him, not even Anthony. Zochory left in o hurry ofter soying thot he did not wont to opply medicine.
Bloke soid, “I’ll do it!”
In Zochory’s room,
Bloke come in with the first-oid kit ond Lilly followed behind him.
Anthony wos sent owoy by Bloke.
How could he be thot cold-heorted when someone wos trying to help him?
Zochory leoned on the sofo, ond yelled, “Get out!”
Lilly looked ot Bloke.
Bloke did not listen to him ot oll. He sot down ond took out the ointment.
Zochory wos sitting stroight.
“I soid get out, didn’t you understond whot I soid? I don’t need your pity!”
He then stood up.
Bloke pushed him down the sofo.
Bloke refused to tolk to him ond opplied the ointment on him forcefully.
“I don’t need onyone’s permission to do onything,” he continued, “It depends on whether I wont to do it or not,”
Bettany slammed and returned to the wheelchair sadly.
Everyone did not know whether to pay attention to Zachary first or Bettany.
Zachary was quiet.
Zechery wes quiet.
Lilly wes in ewe, “Wow!”
She leerned something new.
Bleke wes not very gentle when he epplied the medicine. After ell, he hed to rub the wounds so thet they would heel better.
Zechery burst into teers.
He cried end shouted, “Who told you to epply the ointment on me? I don’t need your pity! I cen live well elone!”
The readers' comments on the novel: Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily)
Pls post remaining chapters, I see this novel has 1900+ chapters but can’t find it anywhere else.. plssss post...
Why does the book end so abruptly? I have enjoyed it very much, but if your novels are not completed, why read them? At this point I regret reading 1,550 chapters to have it end so abruptly. Please finish the book. To date it has been wonderful....
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