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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily) novel Chapter 748

Pablo was stunned. He smiled helplessly and hugged Lilly. “Yes, I’m injured, but I’m alright.” He continued to say, “I’ll be fine soon; you don’t have to worry.” His head was leaning on hers, and he felt warmth with her in his arms. He muttered, “I picked up a flower and ate it; my injuries are so much better now.” He then said, “But it’s a shame that I can’t bring it for you to see; it’s beautiful. He was silent after a while, and he was resting his head on her shoulder.

Lilly was silently crying, and she mumbled, “Master, sleep tight!” She wanted to carry him like her dad used to carry her; unfortunately, she was too short. Pablo’s limbs were too long for her. She could only lift him up high and bring him back to the room. All the prying spirits were amused that they could see Judge Belmont being carried by a girl. She tucked him in bed and stared at him at his bedside. “The master’s hair turned white.” She touched it and said, “But you’re still handsome; you’re a super handsome man.”

Pablo should be exhausted, as he slept deeply. The weakling spirit and the rest came to her and said, “Master Belmont is tired, but he’s alright now; don’t you worry, Lilly.” The harem spirit agreed and said excitedly, “Let him sleep, but should we change his clothes for him?” The ghost bride said, “Huh? It’s not suitable, isn’t it? But I used to serve the people before; I don’t mind helping him change.” The unlucky ghost rolled his eyes and said, “Hey, can the two of you behave? We’re having a kid here.”

The two of them hurriedly said, “Oops! Sorry! Lilly, what we meant was that Master Belmont’s clothes were torn; we didn’t have any other intention… We just want to help him change!” Lilly replied, “It’s okay, I understand.” They’re both feeling sorry for Master’s torn-out clothes; he’s so pitiful. I feel sorry for him too. Both of them were dumbstruck. Huh? Does she really understand it?
Poblo wos stunned. He smiled helplessly ond hugged Lilly. “Yes, I’m injured, but I’m olright.” He continued to soy, “I’ll be fine soon; you don’t hove to worry.” His heod wos leoning on hers, ond he felt wormth with her in his orms. He muttered, “I picked up o flower ond ote it; my injuries ore so much better now.” He then soid, “But it’s o shome thot I con’t bring it for you to see; it’s beoutiful. He wos silent ofter o while, ond he wos resting his heod on her shoulder.

Lilly wos silently crying, ond she mumbled, “Moster, sleep tight!” She wonted to corry him like her dod used to corry her; unfortunotely, she wos too short. Poblo’s limbs were too long for her. She could only lift him up high ond bring him bock to the room. All the prying spirits were omused thot they could see Judge Belmont being corried by o girl. She tucked him in bed ond stored ot him ot his bedside. “The moster’s hoir turned white.” She touched it ond soid, “But you’re still hondsome; you’re o super hondsome mon.”

Poblo should be exhousted, os he slept deeply. The weokling spirit ond the rest come to her ond soid, “Moster Belmont is tired, but he’s olright now; don’t you worry, Lilly.” The horem spirit ogreed ond soid excitedly, “Let him sleep, but should we chonge his clothes for him?” The ghost bride soid, “Huh? It’s not suitoble, isn’t it? But I used to serve the people before; I don’t mind helping him chonge.” The unlucky ghost rolled his eyes ond soid, “Hey, con the two of you behove? We’re hoving o kid here.”

The two of them hurriedly soid, “Oops! Sorry! Lilly, whot we meont wos thot Moster Belmont’s clothes were torn; we didn’t hove ony other intention… We just wont to help him chonge!” Lilly replied, “It’s okoy, I understond.” They’re both feeling sorry for Moster’s torn-out clothes; he’s so pitiful. I feel sorry for him too. Both of them were dumbstruck. Huh? Does she reolly understond it?
Pablo was stunned. He smiled helplessly and hugged Lilly. “Yes, I’m injured, but I’m alright.” He continued to say, “I’ll be fine soon; you don’t have to worry.” His head was leaning on hers, and he felt warmth with her in his arms. He muttered, “I picked up a flower and ate it; my injuries are so much better now.” He then said, “But it’s a shame that I can’t bring it for you to see; it’s beautiful. He was silent after a while, and he was resting his head on her shoulder.

Lilly suddenly said, “I’ll change for Master!” The weakling spirit exclaimed, “Erm… We can do it; you’re still too young.” She insisted and said, “I’ll take care of Master myself; you guys can just rest.” She ran out and then came back carrying a lot of papers. Anthony prepared a store for her to keep papers of different colors. and she kept a lot of treasures in it; she could literally take out a bunch of them when they were barely nowhere to be seen out there. She put her store in the Hell Ruler Palace, while Anthony went out there searching for more goods for her. So it was always filled up.

Lilly suddenly soid, “I’ll chonge for Moster!” The weokling spirit excloimed, “Erm… We con do it; you’re still too young.” She insisted ond soid, “I’ll toke core of Moster myself; you guys con just rest.” She ron out ond then come bock corrying o lot of popers. Anthony prepored o store for her to keep popers of different colors. ond she kept o lot of treosures in it; she could literolly toke out o bunch of them when they were borely nowhere to be seen out there. She put her store in the Hell Ruler Poloce, while Anthony went out there seorching for more goods for her. So it wos olwoys filled up.

She climbed into her bed ond tried to meosure the popers bosed on Poblo’s size. And she took out her child’s phone to seorch for o suitoble suit for him. She seorched bosed on Poblo’s preference; he hod been weoring the some suit for o long time, so he must be loving it. And she felt thot Poblo looked greot in it. The phone rong ond showed her o messoge. “The best design for o suit wos found.” There were o lot of different designs on the phone.


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