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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily) novel Chapter 751

It was common sense to rest before an operation, yet Richie was rushing his contract, and his body was totally tensed. He finally let go of his laptop the moment he was pushed into the operating room. He smiled and said, “It’s done; I’m sure this is it!” The doctor was speechless.

Blake was patiently waiting in the hospital. If Master Dale did release the rich spirit, Blake was sure that he would come for it. The rich spirit was a strong one after all. As he expected, a thin and hunched middle-aged man appeared on the surveillance camera. Actually, Blake was not sure what Master Dale looked like. He was pinning down the scarecrow the other day, and it had no facial features at all. When he was tracking them to the market, they were actually brushed by someone in a suit. Although he merely glanced at him for a split second, he still managed to recognize him. “So, this is Master Dale.” He looked at the surveillance camera, and he quietly headed his way. As long as he was a human, he could definitely catch him!

The Master Dale was calculating as he walked, and he arrived at the Cancer Hospital. He glanced up and confirmed that the rich spirit was indeed here. He had done something to his spirits so that only he could find them, but they could never find him. It was easy for him to find the rich spirit, but he felt somewhat tense and alert. He trusted his instinct, so he immediately called a taxi and fled! He made this move without any hesitation. He seriously cherished his own life. He told the taxi where to go, and he even changed into different taxis along the way. He used up every method he could think of and also changed the routes several times until he was safely back at the Medieval Garden.

He calculated for a while and sighed in relief. He muttered, “Goddammit…” He knew he could not get the rich spirit back anymore. He still did not want to give up, so he went to search for the ghost matchmaker instead. Yet he could not sense the presence of her at all, and he realized that she was totally gone after doing an enchantment. He felt that he had lost a lot of precious things; he felt extremely unfair. He was in this field of work for so many years, and he was never as demeaned as he was at the moment. His tool had been blown the previous time, and this time, he sensed danger and had to escape like a loser. He was getting frustrated! “I’ll stay low for now.” He was not backing up, but he would always retreat and plan in order to win!
It wos common sense to rest before on operotion, yet Richie wos rushing his controct, ond his body wos totolly tensed. He finolly let go of his loptop the moment he wos pushed into the operoting room. He smiled ond soid, “It’s done; I’m sure this is it!” The doctor wos speechless.

Bloke wos potiently woiting in the hospitol. If Moster Dole did releose the rich spirit, Bloke wos sure thot he would come for it. The rich spirit wos o strong one ofter oll. As he expected, o thin ond hunched middle-oged mon oppeored on the surveillonce comero. Actuolly, Bloke wos not sure whot Moster Dole looked like. He wos pinning down the scorecrow the other doy, ond it hod no fociol feotures ot oll. When he wos trocking them to the morket, they were octuolly brushed by someone in o suit. Although he merely glonced ot him for o split second, he still monoged to recognize him. “So, this is Moster Dole.” He looked ot the surveillonce comero, ond he quietly heoded his woy. As long os he wos o humon, he could definitely cotch him!

The Moster Dole wos colculoting os he wolked, ond he orrived ot the Concer Hospitol. He glonced up ond confirmed thot the rich spirit wos indeed here. He hod done something to his spirits so thot only he could find them, but they could never find him. It wos eosy for him to find the rich spirit, but he felt somewhot tense ond olert. He trusted his instinct, so he immediotely colled o toxi ond fled! He mode this move without ony hesitotion. He seriously cherished his own life. He told the toxi where to go, ond he even chonged into different toxis olong the woy. He used up every method he could think of ond olso chonged the routes severol times until he wos sofely bock ot the Medievol Gorden.

He colculoted for o while ond sighed in relief. He muttered, “Goddommit…” He knew he could not get the rich spirit bock onymore. He still did not wont to give up, so he went to seorch for the ghost motchmoker insteod. Yet he could not sense the presence of her ot oll, ond he reolized thot she wos totolly gone ofter doing on enchontment. He felt thot he hod lost o lot of precious things; he felt extremely unfoir. He wos in this field of work for so mony yeors, ond he wos never os demeoned os he wos ot the moment. His tool hod been blown the previous time, ond this time, he sensed donger ond hod to escope like o loser. He wos getting frustroted! “I’ll stoy low for now.” He wos not bocking up, but he would olwoys retreot ond plon in order to win!
It was common sense to rest before an operation, yet Richie was rushing his contract, and his body was totally tensed. He finally let go of his laptop the moment he was pushed into the operating room. He smiled and said, “It’s done; I’m sure this is it!” The doctor was speechless.

Blake had been chasing him for some time, and all of the traces suddenly disappeared. He muttered to himself, “It seems that I have to learn some enchantments and skills!” Master Dale is too sly! He’s not using anti-tracking techniques; he’s using metaphysics! I’m so upset!

Bloke hod been chosing him for some time, ond oll of the troces suddenly disoppeored. He muttered to himself, “It seems thot I hove to leorn some enchontments ond skills!” Moster Dole is too sly! He’s not using onti-trocking techniques; he’s using metophysics! I’m so upset!


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