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Spoiled By The President: My Wife Is A Little Sweet novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Wedding Date

Natalie looked at Jessica coldly, "For my benefit?"

She sneered, "If so, why doesn't she just introduce Randy to you? After all, you are her favorite granddaughter, aren't you?"


Philip rebuked in an angry voice.

"Natalie, I already have Shawn. How could you say that. Our grandma loves you all the time, but you..."

"Stop it!"

Clara interrupted Jessica and turned her gaze at Natalie with a cunning look.

"Just tell me you agree to marry Randy or not."

Natalie looked at Randy.

He was staring at her. Even after all the words she just said, he did not flinch.

It seemed that her relationship with Archie had been explained to Randy.

Since he was not fear of death, she could fulfill his wish.

She said softly, "I didn't disagree."

Clara's eyes brightened. "So you agree?"

"I can agree, but I need to live here for some time."

Jessica immediately frowned, "Natalie, don't you have your own place?"

Natalie looked at her with a half-smile.

"You think that I am just a fancy woman of Archie, don't you? So, I have to move out anyway."

"But you have your own house..."

"So you forbid me moving in? Since that's the case, just forget what I said!"

While Natalie was speaking, Clara hurriedly said, "I agree!"

She paused and said in a deep voice, "You are a child of the Dawson family, so you should marry into another family from the Dawson family. It's a deal. No one can raise any objection."

Jessica was a bit annoyed about the fact that Natalie would move back, but she could not help being excited when she thought Natalie would marry a man like Randy in no time.

Randy was also excited.

The woman was harsh on him just now and suddenly agreed to marry him.

He felt himself so lucky.

His face flushed with excitement, and he kept rubbing his hands.

"In that case, let's fix a time!"

Aleena said, "What a coincidence. My friend named this weekend for her daughter's marriage because it was a good date. But it would be quite a hurry for the preparation."

"No, we have a week."

Philip said at once.

Hearing that, Randy got more excited.

"It's a little hasty to hold a wedding this weekend, but I can make it. I'll make preparations for it as soon as I get back. I won't make you feel aggrieved anyway."

Natalie put on a cold smile and said nothing.

Clara said with a smile, "Sorry to trouble you. A lot of young people favored getting married quickly. When the day for your wedding comes, you will have known each other for a week. It's not hasty at all."

"Yes." Philip echoed, "Mr. Kruf, if you don't want to wrong Natalie, maybe you can prepare more gifts for the guests."

After that, Aleena threw Philip a warning look.

He stopped talking immediately and turned his gaze at Natalie to observe her.

Natalie, who should be angry or a bit upset, was drinking her soup with a spoon with an indifferent look.

It was as if what they were talking about had nothing to do with her.

Philip was a bit stunned.


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