Chapter 243 Death
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Ainsley was very surprised. The last time Ainsley saw Nancy, they were in the Psychological Counseling Room for a simple
treatment. After that, Nancy’s symptoms had been alleviated. But why did she die after just three days?
Nancy had not even finished all the things she had planned, so there must be something wrong.
A journalist handed a microphone to Ainsley and said, “Ms. Easton, please read the contents of the will.”
Ainsley looked at her and said, “I’m so tired! If possible, I really don’t want to live. Ms. Easton, I have already decided what I have to do
according to the method you told me about yesterday. However, I felt uncomfortable, especially after I finished tasks… I can’t hold on
any longer. As you said, I can leave after doing these things. But for someone like me who doesn’t need to do these things at all, this
is obviously not important.
“I want to be free. Things are unpredictable. All I want is to be free. Ms. Easton, thank you for reminding me, but I don’t want to live
anymore. Goodbye!”
Ainsley looked at the will and read it word by word.
However, there was a clear difference between the preceding and the latter of the will. What actually happened that made a girl directly change her mind?
After Ainsley finished speaking, Mary said in a trembling voice, “If not for what you told my daughter, if you didn’t ask her to imagine
that she could only live for three more days, how could my daughter have made a list?”
When Mary said this, she directly took out the form that Nancy had made during the journey and placed it in front of the camera. Mary
cried and said, “Just take a look. This is the list that the woman asked my poor girl to write. Ainsley asked my girl to write down what
she wanted to do in 72 hours Wasn’t she guiding Nancy to commit suicide as soon as possible? Nancy did what Ainsley asked her
to do. My daughter committed suicide at such a young age!”
The cameras were aimed at the form that Mary was holding in her hand. The contents of each unit in the form were exposed.
Mary continued to sob and said. “It’s all because of this woman! If she didn’t ask my daughter to fill out the form, Nance wouldn’t die! She jumped down from the twentieth floor! She was so young and beautiful. But she jumped straight down from the roof! At that time, I was standing downstairs. I heard a loud sound, and I saw my daughter fall.
Mary was in a trance, and her tears fell.
“The ground was full of her blood. I desperately shouted, but I never heard her response. My daughter died. The culprit is still sitting in her office and trying to harm the next student. How can she do this?”
Mary got down on her knees at the school gate, wailing. “Please help me! I heard that she is the eldest daughter of the Easton family. I
have no other choices!
“I just want to get justice for my
Ainsley looked at the will written by Nancy with a serious expression. Some of the content in the will was very strange. “Mom, I’m sorry I can’t protect my brother anymore. I know what I should do. It’s not my fault to get that disease. Ms. Easton said there is still a
chance for me Do I still have a chance? Probably not.”
Ainsley remembered that when she was giving Nancy psychological treatment, Nancy did not say that she had a brother.
Just as Aunsley was still thinking, Mary said, ‘Nancy is a child with excellent grades. I am a single parent mother In order to nurture her, I have made lots of effort Now, she committed suicide after receiving psychological treatment She originally had a good future. We can live a good life soon Nancy said that she would buy me a big house and take me to travel I want my daughter back!”
Mary cried painfully. The onlookers were moved by her words.
Ainsley asked, “You want justice, nght? Then what do you want me to do?”
320 thousand dollars! Just because of you, my daughter is gone I only want 320 thousand dollars. It’s fair, right?” Mary wiped her
tears and turned her ack to the media, looking at Ainsley
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When she turned around, the sadness in her eyes disappeared, but she still pretended to wipe her tears.
320 thousand dollars?” Ainsley repeated.
She looked at the banner and the journalists in front of the school gate.
She thought, does Mary do such a thing just to ask me to give her 320 thousand dollars?
However, Ainsley did not think that Nancy’s death had anything to do with her. And there was something wrong with the will.
Mary’s reaction was even stranger. Generally speaking, people with AIDS would want to commit suicide if they couldn’t stand it. They
would write their own illness in the wills left behind, but in Nancy’s will, she didn’t mention her disease.
Perhaps Nancy did not want others to know, so she deliberately hid it.
Ainsley was about to turn around and walk into the school gate, but she was stopped by Mary. Mary said, “What do you want to do? Don’t go! You killed my daughter, and you want to escape!”
The onlookers also came up to stop Ainsley. Fortunately, there were some security guards. They immediately came over to protect
The readers' comments on the novel: Starting with A Divorce novel (Ainsley and Cason)