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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 102

Hunter removed his robe with his back facing the bed.


He was actually changing his clothes smoothly in front of a girl on the bed.


Emily realized that she was witnessing someone changing clothes with such elegant movements for the first time in her life! 


His every move was effortless and perfect.


He was not putting anything on display, yet he was able to transform a mundane action such as wearing shirt and his pants into a noble act on its own!


His back was accentuated by his muscular back muscles which were throbbing every now and then with perfection. There weren't even an ounce of fat beneath his skin!


He was really attractive and mesmerizing.


At the moment when Hunter turned around, Emily immediately dipped her head to avoid getting caught staring at him.


If she had continued to stare, he would definitely taunt and tease her again.


“How does it feel like to cheat on me?” Hunter was done changing his clothes as he asked a simple question.


Emily jerked her head up and met his depthless eyes head on. She wanted to refute him but to her amazement, she couldn't find any words to throw at him.


After a while, she came up with a reply, “I'm not guilty in any way”


Furthermore, didn't he meet Terry personally earlier today? That would mean he should know the reason Terry and Joe were staying in the hotel.


The four of them always stuck close to each other no matter what they were doing. It was nothing strange for her and Sally to visit Terry at the hotel.


He knew for a fact that Terry had injured himself while trying to save her last night...


Wait a minute, what about Sally?


Emily's expression changed drastically as she fumbled to remove the blanket to get down from the bed.


“I can't know how many of them are still lurking around here, are you sure you want to go out right now?”


Only a fraction of these crazy students had been brought away by the police. The numbers amounted to around thirty. They wouldn't know how many were still lurking around in the lower floors or near the front and back entrances of the hotel.


Although this fiasco had practically come to an end, but nothing could guarantee that nobody would stir up any trouble after this.


“But, Sally has been..”


“Why did she think that she can buy you some time just now?” Hunter snorted coldly.


Sally always looked feeble so it was a surprise to him that she had volunteered to buy Emily some time by positioning herself at a spot in the corridor. tt seemed like she really valued Emily.


In fact, if Hunter wanted to go all the way, he had to admit that Sally Joe and even Terry were all sincere friends of Emily.


These four people could die for each other without any deliberation.


But of course, Hunter, as prideful as he was, never wanted to admit such a thing openly!


Emily tried to calm down while remembering that there weren't any commotion out there just now.


So, where was Sally now?


“Did one of your men save her?" She looked at Hunter.


Hunter remained silent. He was a guy who would never speak a word if he decided that there was no need for speech.


She fixed her clothes slightly as she was about to leave the room.


Hunter suddenly grabbed her wrist with a solemn expression on his face, “I have told you, you can't go out now.”


“I want to look for Sally” Seeing that he was still clamming up, she tried to answer him.


Hunter squinted at the girl in front of her. She was definitely challenging his limits.


If this was any other person, he would have thrown him into the river if he had deemed this person a nuisance and an eyesore, let alone wasting energy and time on that person.


But when it came to this girl, he couldn't stop himself from rushing here the moment he knew that a lot of people were finding trouble with her. He had wanted to ignore her initially but he had failed.


And she didn't even show any signs of gratitude at this moment!


“Liam is still out there. What could happen to your friend?” He snorted while flinging away her hand.


Emily froze as she looked up at him.


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