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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 110

Amy was indeed crazy!


Perhaps, whoever that had gone through such a serious matter would become crazy.


But, Emily did not sympathize with her at all.


If others did not offend her, she would not offend others. Whereas, if others offend her and if she did not fight back, she would end up like in her last life in which she died miserably on the street.


Looking at the knife in Amy's hand, Emily's face still looked calm although her heart had leapt to her throat.


“Why did you make use of Vincent's name to lure me to the street?”


This was something that she still could not figure out until now.


She and Vincent did not have much interaction in this life, so why did not Amy pretend to be on behalf of other people, but Vincent?”


“Well, it's because you like Vincent” Amy laughed wantonly.


She squatted down in front of Emily and held the knife, swinging the knife in front of Emily.


“You're so greedy. You already have Hunter as your fiancé who is already so outstanding and brilliant but you're still craving for Vincent?”


The knife was patted on Emily's face.


“Ha, greedy people have always died a horrible death, you know?”


Although the knife was only lightly patted on her face and did not cause a cut, Emily was still overcome with fright.


She was afraid that later the sharp blade would just cut her face.


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to make her voice sound calm.


“Is it? How come I don’t know that I have any special feelings for Vincent? I think I haven't spoken to him for more than three 



She stared at Amy and did not miss a single expression on her face.


“Amy, your ability to inquire the matter of others is a bit too poor”


“Is it?” Amy sneered and the knife was heavily patted on Emily's face.


“Mmm...” Emily felt a sense of panic now even if she tried pretending not to be afraid.


“So, you will feel frightened too? I thought you aren't afraid of anything!”


Amy's eyes sparkled with excitement!


“You're very scared, right? Tell me, are you afraid of me? Emily, beg me now, quickly beg me! If not, I'll slowly cut your face, 

beg me now!"


Emily secretly clenched her fist. She felt that the person in front of her was insane!


“Yes, I'm scared, I'm panic-stricken, please don't hurt me.’


Facing such a situation, if she did not obey Amy, Amy might really cut her face slowly with the knife.


“Then can you tell me who told you that I like Vincent?”


“You were so flirtatious and always threw yourself at Vincent. You were caught red-handed by Hunter, you think I don't know 

this matter?”


Amy was very triumphant as if she had caught Emily's mistake and was bound to win.


“You're a wanton woman of loose moral who likes to flirt with men and since you're so cheap, you don't deserve anything!”


Emily did not utter a word but was pondering in her mind.


The Jackson family had a spy. Wendy was perhaps the one who told this to Amy.


Amy was just an unimportant person. At first, to be frank, she also felt that Wendy was not that threatening.


Being alone, Wendy was not able to carry out many things, including Vincent's death.


But even until before she died in her last life, she still did not know what kind of person was behind Wendy and had been 

planning it all along.


Was that person now already cooperating with Wendy?


Was it Manson? No, Manson was not that thoughtful and tactful.


Who the hell was it?



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