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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 176

When Mr. Hunter and Emily arrived, Matriarch had been rescued.


There was another person who came out with Matriarch, Wendy!


"Send her in quickly. Treat her well, and definitely not let anything happen to her!"


Patriarch was directing at the scene, not only to let everyone take care of Matriarch, but also to take care of Wendy!


"I heard that she brought Matriarch out of the fire."


In the corner, two little maids were discussing this matter in a low voice.


"This lady from the Gale family is so powerful. She dared to save Matriarch in the fire. Was she not afraid of dying in it?"


"Yes, this fire is so fierce. Everyone thought that Matriarch would definitely..."


“Thanks to Miss Wendy. If it weren't for her, Matriarch would really be gone."


“You see how good Patriarch is so nice to her now. No wonder Matriarch loves her so much, she is really good to Matriarch too."


"Look at Miss Emily, Mr. Hunter’s future wife. Matriarch also loves her so much, but what was she doing when Matriarch had an accident?"


"She just knows to pester Mr. Hunter, doesn't she?"


"Matriarch is so kind to her...


Suddenly, an arrogant figure came into their view. The two little maids hurriedly lowered their heads in fright, and said in unison, "Mr. ... Mr. Hunter."


"Get out.’


Hunter said indifferently. He walked towards the medical room with Emily.


Behind them, the two maids suddenly cried and begged for mercy, "Mr. Hunter, we don't dare to gossip anymore. Mr. Hunter, don't drive us away."


"Mr. Hunter, we...we know we were wrong. Mr. Hunter!"


However, Hunter was still indifferent and had no intention of changing his mind at all.


Emily walked by his side, wanting to look back.


In the end, she followed Hunter without saying a word.


It was really not a good thing to talk too much in this kind of family.


Even if Mr. Hunter didn't drive them away today, something would happen sooner or later if they still gossiped the host.


The two kept begging for mercy behind them, but Mr. Hunter didn't even look back.


The two bodyguards came to take them away.


Probably they were in desperate, so they couldn't help cursing, "Mr. Hunter, you stupid. You even don't know the woman around you well!"


"Matriarch loves her so much, but what did she do when Matriarch had an accident?"


"Miss Wendy risked her life to save Matriarch. What did Emily do?"


"She is so ugly, but you still protect her. Mr. Hunter, are you really blind?"

The two were finally taken away.


Emily looked at the road under her feet without saying a word.


She was indeed a little guilty, and felt distressed when she thought of Matriarch’s kind face.


“When the fire happened, you were not by her side. It was not your fault that you couldn't come to rescue in time."


"I know." She would not deny herself because of others’ misunderstandings.


But she just felt sorry for Matriarch.


Many people were waiting outside the medical room. Patriarch went in to accompany Matriarch, and the others could only wait here.


"How is she?" Hunter walked to the doctor.


"Matriarch choked a lot of smoke. Now Doctor Peter is taking care of her.”


The doctor came out just to report the news to everyone.


"Mr. Hunter, Mr. Rupert. Please rest assured, Doctor. Peter said there is no life-threatening, but Matriarch is a little weak and needs a good rest."


However, everyone couldn't be relieved.


Matriarch was in this situation. Originally, she was in poor health. Besides, this kind of thing happened again...


The doctor's words lingered in everyone's mind again.


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