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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 194

Emily was not that silly to ask him directly about his purposes. If he wanted to tell him, then he would naturally say it out one day.


If he didn't plan to tell her about it, then judging from his personality, it would be useless to ask the question.


Emily picked up the chopsticks and began to enjoy the dishes with ease.


Two hours was just a short period of time, so she could endure it.


Anyway, there was still time left for her to go to the competition venue to watch Aryan’s match in the afternoon.


Although she showed great confidence in Aryan when they were discussing it, this time, she was actually not that sure about whether Aryan could finish drawing the drafts and spare some time to help Rufus refine the lines.


If he couldn't, then it would be very hard for Rufus to complete the task.


After all, it was really difficult...


Her absent-mindedness made Henry feel sulkier.


He banged the empty glass onto the table.


Emily asked before he could say anything, “Why are you torturing yourself since having meal with me would anger you so much?”


He took the initiative to call her to pay back the ‘two hours’.


So she came to meet him and have lunch with him, but then what was he mad at?


Henry was choked and speechless. Self-torture! Oh my, the words perfectly described what was happening now.


“You owed me!” He said in a cold voice.


“I know.” Emily didn’t plan to retort him. If it was not because of that, why had she come?


But henry was still dissatisfied. This woman's reaction was really annoying!


“Aren't you angry after knowing that I’m the son of the Sharp family?” She should at least be mad at it! Then he would have a company.


Nevertheless, he had no idea about what he was angry at.


“If I get mad at it, will you be happier?” Emily suddenly raised her head to loop up at him.


The question completely stunned Henry.


How could it be that other's mood could influence his own mood?


But he couldn't tell how he felt today. It was somehow ridiculous.


“You wrote the script to satirize me.” He firmly believed in this.


Emily rubbed the ends of her eyebrows. Were these big bosses so boring recently? Oh my, they were so childish! And Henry was the most childish one!


“I didn't.” She looked into his eyes with a serious expression, “I just felt that this story could stand out among the ten entries and become one of the 8 selected ones.”


“I can eliminate your entry.” He was the chief judge, right?


“Oh, it turns out that the second young master of the Sharp family, Mr. Henry, is a person who cannot make a clear distinction between public and private affairs.” Emily threw up her hands as if she was not bothered at all.


“Let me mind you, the competition is a live-streaming one. Even if you didn't take a fancy in my story, some people would like it.”


The worst situation was that she couldn't join top-class companies like the Sharp Group or the Jackson Group. But as a matter of fact, she hadn't had the expectation of being employed by such a company at the very beginning.


Nevertheless, she was clear that after this competition, the chance for her team to seek cooperation with other companies would be increased.


“Oh, so this is your backbone?” Henry narrowed his eyes.


“No. I'm a person with least backbone. If you tell me that the Sharp Group has selected my team, I would jump with joy.”


She was telling the truth since she had never hided her ambition.


“Nevertheless, even if the Sharp Group selects other team in the end, I can still accept the result. It’s so simple.”


Henry fixated his gaze on her delicate face. Although he knew that she was telling her inner thought, why did he have a feeling that she was satirizing him?


Yeah, it must be sarcasm!


This girl had been satirizing him from the very beginning!


Emily felt a bit helpless, for she could almost guessed what was in his mind.


He really wanted to tell him that she was not satirizing him deliberately, sincerely.


She was very serious in the completion and had put her back into it.


Nevertheless, our Young Master Henry didn't believe in it. He felt that the story must be related to him.


“Henry, let’s enjoy the dishes. They've cooled down.” Emily finally uttered the words in an attempt to shift his attention.


“No.” He was so angry that he didn't want to eat anything.


“But you are the chief judge of the competition in the afternoon, aren't you? It takes three consecutive hours. If you don't fill your stomach now, you may feel hungry during the completion. And if you come to find something to eat in the middle of the competition, it would be so embarrassing.”

“No!” As for whether he would be hungry or not, was it of her business? cng




“No!” Unless she would beg him! ae



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