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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 321

The power of Heaven-like Island in Bentson City had indeed been disintegrated.

A group of mysterious forces had found several of the hideouts and information about important people concerned.

Those people were captured one after another. Although the boss had escaped, even if he came back, it would be impossible for him to gain a foothold in Bentson.

Everyone was guessing that it was Hunter who contributed this time. Well, it was impossible for Hunter to publicly admit it.

However, the security company he suddenly started seemed to fit this point perfectly.

It was said that the employees of the security company were all high-ranking bodyguards, and the wealthy of every country would have to queue up to employ those bodyguards.

In any case, people could only guess whether the capture of Heaven-like Island related to Hunter’s security company.

The information that Henry told her were all public in the world.

As for whether there was any inside information, Henry didn’t say it, and Emily didn’t ask.

In fact, everyone knew what had happened, so there was no need to keep asking.

At least, Emily relieved.

Hunter had truly become an important man. In the past, he was only a simple businessman, but now, he was so strong that no one dared to provoke him.

This man had reached a height that he had never been in his previous life within only one month.

“But you said that the boss of Heaven-like Island has not been captured?” This made Emily somewhat uneasy.

“There’s no need to be afraid. Although he hasn’t been found out, the power of Heaven-like Island in Bentson City has been completely disintegrated. The rest of them won’t be able to achieve anything.”

Emily finally felt completely at ease, but she still didn’t hang up.

She wanted to ask something, but she knew she was in no position to do that.

Henry waited quietly on the phone.

After a while, there was only her breath on the phone, but there was no sound. He pursed his lower lip and suddenly said, “He got injured…”

“How is he now?” Emily held her breath and immediately asked.

He knew why she hesitated for so long. The only question she wanted to ask was whether Hunter got hurt in this battle.

For the ordinary residents in Bentson, these days were nothing different.

However, in reality, the smell of blood was extremely strong in some remote places and uninhabited islands around Bentson these past few days.

Everyone was guessing that Hunter’s newly established Wolfrealm Security Group had made great contributions.

But this was confidential, and accurate information could not be spread from within.

Everything depended on public speculation.

However, this action was extremely quick. Before everyone could react, it was settled.

By the time the news came out, the power of Heaven-like Island had been destroyed.

“It was nothing serious. I heard that he only stayed in the hospital for one day and left this morning.”

Emily didn’t say anything. She held her phone quietly, but still didn’t hang up.

“Emily, you can tell me everything.” She didn’t use to be such hesitant.

“Do you want to find an opportunity to explain this to him? Don’t worry. I’ll tell him later. I...”

“He said that after Heaven-like Island, it will be us who will go to hell,” Emily calmly interrupted.

Henry was obviously stunned fora moment. And then, he said, “That’s because he doesn’t know…”

“No, we couldn’t go back.”

Emily looked down at her flat belly.

She had lost the child. No matter what misunderstanding they had, and no matter whether she wanted to solve it or not, the fact could not be changed.


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