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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 33


He was not done? What other matters did he have?




An experienced woman was certainly different. From Hunter's gaze, Emily knew what he meant.


His eyes conveyed a suffocating possessiveness. She desperately wanted to escape but was completely imprisoned by him.


The dashingly handsome man in front of her was infinitely magnified.


She wanted so much to escape. Oh lord, she so badly wanted to escape. Her instincts told her that she must escape.


But as he moved nearer, the only thing that she could do was to ... close her eyes and purse her lips. He was very handsome. 


How could a man be so handsome?


The long eyelashes made him look like a dreamy prince. But he was a king!


His loneliness and cold indifference made him so endearing and drove women mad.


He... wanted to kiss her?


Emily doesn't know when she closed her eyes but she was clear of what she was hoping for.


Her heart was throbbing and she was squirming...


"Kal" The car window was wound down, Liam's voice came from outside.


Emily was awakened and quickly opened her eyes. She was still in Hunter's embrace.


Master .Jackson was calm, unsurprised and emotionless.


lt turned out that she was the only one who expected it.


She used her strength to push herself off and this time she was able to come down from his legs.


Just as she sat at her seat and was still straightening herself, she looked out the window and saw several men approaching.


They were Sally, .Joe and a sullen Terry.


Emily wanted to open the door and exit the car when Hunter said ¡in a deep voice, 'You're going out like that?"


He made it sound that something was amiss. What's wrong with going out like that?


Emily was now very critical of him and to think that she was feeling passionate about him a moment ago. Who would think that in the blink of an eye, he was back to the cold-hearted man?


The moment of passion was limited to herself and she was feeling embarrassed about it.


She snorted, and looked at him and was mortified. She quickly buttoned up her blouse. How did all her buttons come undone? Her blouse was wide open and exposed everything!


Rascal, scoundrel!


She hurriedly buttoned up her blouse and tidied her hair and opened the car door.


"Five minutes.' The man said.


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