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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 53


The two only walked in the yard for a while, Patriarch Jackson came to ask for Matriarch.

With Matriarch's current health condition, it was indeed not appropriate to spend too much time outside.

She should go back to rest after she came out for a while.

Hunter came out with Patriarch Jackson.

Therefore, after Patriarch Jackson and the servant pushed Matriarch back, only Hunter and Emily were left in the yard.

Matriarch's words still lingered in Emily's ears, 'Be sure to make Hunter like you...'

How hard could it be to make this cold-blooded man like her?

In her past life, she spent all her life trying to pursue his so-called love, but at the moment of death, she still couldn't reach it.

What was destined to be fruitless, why bother to try it again?

The two people walked on the garden path, very slowly. They seemed to walk side by side, but they were speechless.

Several times, Emily wanted to take a peek at him, but every time she wanted to raise her head, she forced herself not to.

He made it very clear last night, their relationship was just an agreement.

Since it was just an agreement, it was enough to be close when someone was there. lf she tried to get close to him without anyone watching, he might as well push her away.

Hunter had maintained a consistent coldness, no alienation, no closeness, and no difference than usually.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

Why couldn't she learn from Hunter, having only little desire?

Unconsciously, they walked to the backyard.

They had planned to have lunch in the yard. The backyard had been arranged long ago, and the buffet tables and chairs had been placed.

When Patriarch Jackson and Matriarch were not there, the atmosphere in the entire backyard was a lot more active.

Seeing Hunter coming, Tabby immediately took her two friends to greet him.

"Hunter, where have you been? I have been looking for you for a long time.”

"Young Master Hunter, my brother is here too, and he would like to get to know you.”

"Young Master Hunter, it's an honor meeting you, l am Lewis from Golden Summit...

As long as there were people, Young Master Hunter would always be famous, and he would be surrounded by people wherever he went.

Emily was squeezed out of the crowd, but she also had no intentions to get back in again, so she turned around and walked aside, holding a glass of drink.

The Jacksorns family banquet was different from other families. Even a simple family banquet would attract countless guests.

In the evening was the official family banquet, and now it was just warming up.

She was looking for a place to sit down. Unexpectedly, the familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Isn't this the young Milady of our Jackson family? Why are you here alone? Has my brother abandoned you?"

Hearing this voice, Emily felt that something was wrong.

Obviously he hated her a lot. If he didn't bother to talk to her, everything was fine. Why did he have to come talk to her?

Holding her drink, she pretended not to hear him, and moved on.

Suddenly, a figure stood in front of her and blocked her.

"Ugly face, Hunter doesn't want you anymore, why are you still pretending to be something?”

Finally she had no place to hide, Emily looked a little helpless and turned back.

Hunter was still surrounded by a bunch of girls, holding a glass of wine, talking with the two young men beside him.


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