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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 70

“What if we just forget about this incident?” Emily whispered to Hunter after they got on the car.

He turned on the laptop and got busy in a short while.

The man is trying to ignore me.

Emily was a little discouraged. His decision couldn't be changed easily.

“Ma‘am, they should be punished because they were disrespectful to you.” Liam the driver smiled at her from the rear-view mirror.

“They are from the Jackson family after all.” Emily pursed her mouth and said.

She wasn't softhearted but definitely not Mother Teresa.

She didn’t want to start up any trouble right after she married a Jackson man.

Emily was always a low-key person. For most circumstances, she would choose to ignore if people didn't really cross the line.

“l am worried that this incident might disturb your grandmother, Mr. Jackson. You know she is not in a good health condition.”

“No one dares to do it.” He had plenty ways to shut people up.

“I presume there is no need to put a girl in jail for such trivial matter.”

After all, this might ruin a person's future.

Most importantly, she didn't find Vanessa that vicious.

“Dogs that bark usually don’t bite.” She looked at Hunter and said, “I don't think she is capable of doing anything really awful based on her character.”

But Rosy, who kept silent most of the time, might act even crazier when she has to.

“Ma‘am, Mr. Jackson is just...”

“I will leave you to decide.” Hunter typed on the keyboard. That meant the matter was over for him.

It had nothing to do with him no matter what they decide.

Liam didn't care that much. It was just a few women arguing. If his master didn't care, then why would he bother?

“Ma'am, should I stop them now?”

“No, let her have a little trip to the police station. I will withdraw the prosecution later.”

Some people needed to be taught a lesson or else they wouldn't know they were wrong.

Like Vanessa, she wouldn't understand what she did wrong if she didn't suffer from this matter.

Liam couldn't help but took a glance at her in the at her rear-view mirror.

For some reason he found her hideous, but somehow got used to it after a while.

When he got used to it, he even thought she had really delicate facial features.

Her charisma could even defeat Mr. Jackson especially when she showed her wisdom.

“Liam, the car!” Emily exclaimed suddenly and reminded him.

Liam’s eyesight was back on the road again. He turned the steering wheel in a hurry to avoid the truck in front of him.

Whew! What was I thinking? I got distracted by her face from the rear-view mirror?

If Mr. Jackson finds out about it...

He couldn't afford to think about it and focused on driving.

They arrived at Jackson's after twenty minutes. The car drove across the long boulevard then parked in front of the yard of the main house.

Emily was nervous when she got off the car.

She was about to meet Vincent. She wondered how he was now.

How different was the experience in pervious and this life?

There was such a big scandal at the engagement party in her previous life. She shut herself from the outside world for a very long time.

Because Matriarch pitied her and it took Hunter like a lifetime long to accept her again.

But she remembered Vincent came back at the end of the year. He came back here several months in advance and everything was different.

The memories from the two lifetimes couldn't connect anymore.

In other words, she couldn't predict what would happen next. Of course she couldn't fathom her next step.

In this case, why not just relax and see what happens.

All she cared was if he was doing fine now.

The old butler took the initiative to greet Hunter and Emily and led them into the hall.

It was still quiet even though it was time for the family dinner.


Only Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were still here while everyone were waiting in the banquet hall.

There was a young man sitting next to Matriarch.


He was 6 feet tall, had beautiful features and looked melancholy.


He was absolutely a handsome out-of-this-world kind of guy.


He looked like a person in the painting, sitting on the sofa, like a Prince Charming.


Emily saw him the second she entered the room.


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