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Stay Around You Now And Forever novel (Hunter Jackson) novel Chapter 99

These lunatics had all gathered at the entrance of the hotel. They were going to catch the cheaters red-handed!


This world had gone crazy!


Someone had started a live stream recording the situation at the entrance. tt could be seen that the hotel employees had blocked the crowd from barging into the hotel.


Those students were basically students from Bentson University and Skyler University. They were here to because they didn't want to see Hunter's reputation get tarnished.


This had proven that Hunter had a lot of weight in these student's hearts!


Hunter was the idol of these students. Now that they discovered that Hunter's fiancée were cheating on him at the hotel, how could they not become infuriated?


Of course, among the group of instigators here, a small portion was ordered to get things going, but most of them came on their own volition while feeling indignant.


Terry stood up with a tensed expression on his face.


Emily immediately pulled him and said, “Don't be reckless, there are too many people out there and the numbers are increasing. You can take all of them on your own.” Furthermore, if he were to throw any punches in this scenario, things would really escalate beyond their imagination!


There would be a lot of troubles waiting for them along the way.


“Let me check the situation” Joe volunteered as he set out to the entrance.


But shortly after, he came rushing back while announcing nervously, “Emily, you should escape now, they have too many people with them, and they're going to reach here soon”


This was not a very big hotel, so there weren't many employees that could stop them from intruding. The people flooding the entrance were increasing by leaps and bounds. There was no way they could block them from entering the hotel.


They were probably at the breaking point now!


"How could they act like this? Is there no law governing this city now?” Sally was so furious she wanted to get out there and get into an altercation with them. Terry and Joe were staying at the hotel because they didn't have anywhere to go at the moment. What's wrong with that?


Emily and she were just visiting them and they were just chatting away. It was not like what those rumors had illustrated!


They were blocking the entrance of the hotel because of such rumors! Could people simply do anything they wanted these days?


“You can't blame them right now. They have so many people, so if we want to pursue this matter in the future, they wouldn't be able to escape unscathed.”


Emily packed her things stuffed Sally's bag into her embrace, “Let's go!”


“Are we really leaving?” Sally was feeling wronged. If they had left like this, wouldn't that prove that they were guilty of hiding something?


They were innocent as they never did anything wrong. Why should they leave?


“These barbarians are not the reasonable type. If we're caught here, I bet they will stir up even more hideous rumors on Weibo. By then it would be too hard to clear the mess”


Emily was pulling at her desperately in the direction of the door, “Hurry up! You are a female too, if they can't get to me, they'll probably target you instead. Let's go now!”


Sally couldn't refute Emily at this point as she knew very well how damaging the powers of public opinion could be.


She always met her end last time!


“I'll lead you out of this place!” Joe was able to catch up instantly.


“No, you have to stay here to watch after Terry. You have to stop him from fighting those people. Go back now!”


As for the situation at the entrance of the hotel, Emily was sure that someone would call the police since a huge commotion had broken out. She didn't have time to concern herself about that at this moment.


As long as they didn't get caught in the act and there weren't any photos indicating they were having sex being posted to the internet, at least she could escape unscathed this time.


These people would disperse the moment the police arrived! They would not be in the wrong here if they could restrain Terry. 


As long as he didn't start throwing punches!


Joe nodded while running back to their room.


Terry was sitting on a chair with a frosty expression on his face.


Emily was escaping from danger right now but he couldn't even help one bit! All he could was waiting here helplessly.


After Joe returned to the room for one second, a flurry of footsteps started to reverberate through the corridor outside. A noise was building up in the corridor.


After two seconds, someone started to knock on their door.



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