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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 1035

Over the years, wrinkles had found their way onto Bai Yinning’s face, and his hair was peppered with strands of white. However, he still looked very sharp. As he sat in his wheelchair, it was evident that he hadn’t grown fat from old age. Today, he wore a black suit, while Zhou Chunchun wore a simple black lace dress without any accessories.

She pushed Bai Yinning over and greeted Lin Xinyan. “Hello, my dear Xinyan.”

Lin Xinyan nodded her head slightly.

Bai Yinning glanced at her and said gloomily, “I’m sorry for your loss. The dead will remain dead, but you should live well. Take care of your health.”

Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao bowed together.

“Thank you for coming even though you live so far away,” Lin Xinyan said in a low voice. She sounded a little hoarse, as though she had been crying.

“Of course I had to come. He isn’t an outsider to me.” Bai Yinning still remembered the dead man as Cheng Yuxiu’s older brother. She was the woman her adoptive father loved most in the world.

Because of her, he had chosen to remain single his entire life.

On the other hand, Bai Yinning had chosen not to live like his adoptive father. Although there was someone he loved deeply in his heart, he decided to marry someone else instead.

There were more mourners streaming into the room. Bai Yinning and Zhou Chunchun went and lit some incense as a form of respect for the soul of the dead man.

Everyone that was supposed to be at the funeral had arrived. However, because it was a funeral, the atmosphere was very solemn, and nobody felt like making any conversation.

When he saw Zong Yanchen and Zong Yanxi, Bai Yinning’s eyes darkened a little. He used to envy Zong Jinghao in the past, and he continued to so even now.

Zong Jinghao’s children were all grown up, and he would live to see his grandchildren and live out his old age with his happy little family. Meanwhile, all Bai Yinning had was Zhou Chunchun.

“Are you thirsty?” she asked.

They found out about Cheng Yuwen’s a little late, and hurried over without having much to eat or drink.

Bai Yinning shook his head. “If you’re thirsty, go and fetch some water for yourself. I can stay here by myself.”

“Alright, then I’ll come and find you later.” Zhou Chunchun let go of the wheelchair and left.

Bai Yinning wheeled himself into a quiet corner and gazed up at the funeral hall. Cheng Yuwen took center spot among the wreaths of white chrysanthemums. The entire room was full of black and white, lending it an extremely somber atmosphere.


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