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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 1053

Nan Cheng’s heart skipped a beat. Why did he suddenly mention Zong Yanxi?

Did he remember something?

Or has he regained his memories?

Jiang Mohan spun around, noticing Nan Cheng’s astonished expression.

Even though the person he sent to investigate this issue had not reported back to him, it was evident from Nan Cheng’s reaction that the woman called Zong Yanxi at the airport had something to do with him.

Nan Cheng made a last-ditch effort to conceal it from him. “I-I don’t know the person you’re talking about? Who is she?”

Jiang Mohan glared at him. “It’s time for you to take a break. I’ll find a replacement for you.”

By now, Nan Cheng was completely flustered.


“You don’t need to explain anymore.” It was evident that Jiang Mohan was unwilling to listen to him anymore. He was extremely unhappy and upset that Nan Cheng lied to him.

He hated it when other people tried to dictate his life according to their opinions.

No one could control his life!

Nan Cheng did not know how to explain himself either. After all, it was true that he had lied to Jiang Mohan.

Holding the trash bag in his hand, he left the house.

Jiang Mohan was obviously in a bad mood today, so he should not pester him anymore. It was better for him to return with an explanation after he calmed down.

After throwing the trash, he drove away.

The more he thought about it, the stranger he found it. Jiang Mohan had been fine in the past. It was only after Zong Yanxi returned that he suddenly acted in such a weird manner.

It must have something to do with Zong Yanxi.

Did she meet Jiang Mohan and arouse his suspicion?

There were numerous questions floating in his mind. He wanted to clarify them with Zong Yanxi, but as it was getting late, he decided against the idea. He would do that tomorrow instead.

After breakfast, Zong Yanxi brought Zhuang Zijin and Tawan, who was wearing the clothes she bought for him, out.


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