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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 1062

Nan Cheng had only just exited Jiang Mohan’s office when his phone rang. Accepting the call, Li Xiaohui’s furious voice instantly blared through his speakers.

He stared at the shut office door as if he were able to look through the thick wood to the despondent man inside.

Even though Jiang Mohan did not remember Zong Yanxi anymore, his moods still fluctuated madly when it came to her.

Maybe I was wrong to have prevented him from remembering Zong Yanxi. I have to help him get her back!

“I’ll be there in a minute.” He told Li Xiaohui before striding for the elevator.

Shortly, the elevator came to a stop on the first floor. Li Xiaohui was already waiting in the lobby. When she heard the sound of the elevator doors opening, she swung her head around to look.

“Ms. Li.” Nan Cheng greeted as he walked over.

She must have seen Zong Yanxi, that’s why she calls me in such a hurry.

“Did that woman come here to reconcile with Jiang Mohan?” Li Xiaohui crossed her arms before her chest, a disdainful sneer curling her lips.

Nan Cheng nodded.

Li Xiaohui was a woman who was used to getting what she wanted. Everyone had always doted on her and catered to her every whim. Never had she been looked down upon or not gotten something that she liked.

Yet Zong Yanxi’s earlier actions had clearly shown how little she respected Li Xiaohui.

Needless to say, the latter was extremely unhappy about it.

“Shameless woman!” She spat viciously.

Nan Cheng stared at her, mentally thinking: You’re from an influential and wealthy family, but why don’t you have the slightest bit of decorum when you talk? You sound like a shrew!

“I have a plan.” He suggested carefully. “But you’ll have to be the one to carry it out. As you know, I’m Jiang Mohan’s assistant, which means I’m not in the best position to do this. He’ll definitely fire me if he finds out that I’m involved.”

“What plan?” Li Xiaohui asked suspiciously. She had not forgotten the humiliation she suffered at the hotel last time.

Even though that plan had been hers, it failed because of Nan Cheng’s mistake. He was not well prepared, leading to her embarrassing herself before so many people.

“You have to think carefully before accepting it.” He warned. His brain was going a mile a minute as he calculated the chances of his plan succeeding.

The more he thought about it, the more confident he was that this plan would work. After everything was done, Zong Yanxi would definitely get back together with Jiang Mohan.

This is the best I can do to help Jiang Mohan.

“What’s there to be afraid of? I’ve never lost in my entire life.” Li Xiaohui lifted her chin arrogantly.

“Fine, but this is not the right place to talk. Let’s go somewhere else. There can be no mistakes this time.”

Noting how confident he was, smug delight welled in Li Xiaohui. Even the person closest to Jiang Mohan is on my side. How can that ex of his possibly compare to me?

They went to someplace quieter so they could discuss the details of the plan further.


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