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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 1065

Once before, Zong Yanxi had been through something similar. The only difference was that she had been alone back then. Alone, helpless, and afraid, she had been scared out of her mind at the prospect of facing death.

But this time, someone was here with her and he was willing to risk his own life to stay by her side. This was the greatest comfort she could have at that moment.

Her soul was singing as warmth suffused her body. Deep in her chest, her heart was pounding furiously.

Without asking for her permission, Tawan lifted her face slightly so he could press a kiss to her chapped lips.

Zong Yanxi’s eyes snapped wide open in shock. A beat later, she felt acceptance sweep through her. Using the last of her energy, she responded to his kiss.

A breeze blew past them, bringing with it a wave of fire.

Tawan used his own body to protect her from the flames.

Zong Yanxi wanted to stop him but her throat refused to make a sound anymore.

All she could see was Tawan’s face…

I guess what they say about someone being lucky in love is when the person who loves you refuses to abandon you when you need them the most.

Right then, Nan Cheng arrived with some men. They managed to put out the fire and save Tawan and Zong Yanxi.

After that, they were sent to the hospital along with Zhuang Zijin.

Zong Yanxi’s body was fine, not having suffered any burns at all. However, all the smoke she had inhaled had injured her throat. Her voice would be hoarse for the next few days.

The first thing out of her mouth when she opened her eyes was to inquire about Tawan.

The doctor asked, “Are you talking about the man who was brought here to the hospital with you?”

She nodded. It hurt too much to speak right now.

She got up to visit Tawan, who had burns across his entire back. Thankfully, the doctor said he was not in any danger. He would just need to spend some time recuperating. However, he would be left with severe scarring if he did not undergo a skin graft.

She had fallen unconscious so she did not know how they managed to escape the fire. When she went to visit Zhuang Zijin, she saw Nan Cheng sitting in a chair in the corridor. The man had an anxious and depressing look on his face.

She walked over and questioned, “Why are you here?”

Nan Cheng lifted his head. When he saw that it was Zong Yanxi, he stood up. “I’m sorry.”

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 1065 1

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 1065 2


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