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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 114

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 114

Lin Xichen’s right face was swollen, as if puffing up with anger, forming a sharp contrast with the left side.

He couldn’t think too much now, and just wanted his grandma to escape with his sister first.

It was better for him alone to be controlled than for the whole family to be controlled by him.

At this moment, Zhuang Zijin had already run far.

He Ruilin called again to rush him. “What’s the matter with you? It’s been too long. What happened just now?”

He Ruize couldn’t explain clearly on the phone. After saying I’ll be there soon, he hung up.

He didn’t plan to chase after Zhuang Zijin, as it was too long a delay, and having one of them was enough to threaten Lin Xinyan.

He was worried that Lin Xichen might cause more trouble, so he grabbed his hair and hit his head on the car door. Lin Xichen felt very pain.

A warm liquid ran down his forehead.

Everything went black, while he gradually lost his consciousness, and passed out.

He Ruize threw him in the back seat, got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

Not long after He Ruize left; another car drove over. Guan Jing gave Zong Jinghao the result of the investigation, which found that there was a village near Ding Bridge, so he targeted this village.

Apart from that, there was no place to hide.

Guan Jing led men to follow.

“Don’t worry too much. Your son is so smart, so he’ll be fine.”

When Guan Jing called, Lin Xinyan put him on speaker and learned that He Ruize was going to kidnap Zhuang Zijin and her two kids.

Since then, she had been in a tense state, and said nothing to Zong Jinghao.

“Smart?” Lin Xinyan’s eyes were reddened. “He is just a five-year-old child. How can he deal with an adult?”

She knew she was taking out her anger on him, but she couldn’t help it.

What if something happens?

“It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t be away from home. I shouldn’t leave them at home and not care about them. That’s why this happened.” She blamed herself.

She never thought that He Ruize would suddenly become like this.

She had known He Ruize for ten years.

How could he kidnap my children?

Can the human really be so fickle?

Her heart hurt so much that it was as if someone tore her heart with a saw.

Knowing that she was worried, Zong Jinghao reached out to squeeze her hand, clasping her hand in his palm tightly.

He did not use words to comfort her, as she might be deaf to comforting words now.

Zhuang Zijin didn’t keep running. Instead, she hid with Lin Ruixi.

Seeing a car passing by, she ran out and flag down the car.

Guan Jing was driving the car when he saw someone from a distance. After getting close, he could see who was standing on the roadside. So, he accelerated and then stopped the car beside Zhuang Zijin.

“Please do me a favor. I’ve met a bad guy, can you—” Zhuang Zijin saw who he was before she finished speaking.

Although she only saw him a few times, Zhuang Zijin knew him. He was the guy around the young master of the Zong family.

Guan Jing got off the car and opened the rear car door. “Get in quickly.”

“Thank you.” Zhuang Zijin got into the car with Lin Ruixi in her arms.

She was as good as gold. Zhuang Zijin told her that there was a bad guy who wanted to catch them, and could not talk, so when they hid, she kept her mouth pursed and didn’t say anything, very well behaved.

“Xichen was taken away, can you call the police for me?” Zhuang Zijin asked Guan Jing after she was sure that she was safe.

“Don’t worry. I’ve already brought the police with me.”

Guan Jing motioned her to look back. She was too nervous and didn’t pay attention to the back. At this moment, several cars and even police cars were parked behind the car.

Zhuang Zijin couldn’t bother to think about how Guan Jing knew they would be in danger, and just wanted him to save Lin Xichen quickly.


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