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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 117

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 117

“Dad, I will go with you.” He Ruixing stepped forward.

He Wenhuai nodded. “It’s good too you can go with me.”

Among his three children, his favorite was this eldest son. Although he had no talent in doing business, he was steady and had not troubled the family. Now, he was also taking care of the family business.

As for the other two of his children, he got angry once he looked at them.

“You two are not allowed to go out until this matter is solved. Just reflect on your own mistakes at home!” He Wenhuai said coldly.


He Ruilin wanted to explain. Although she had selfish intentions, it was also true that she did it for the family. It didn’t work out in the end but they shouldn’t be treated like this.

As soon as she spoke, she was stopped by He Ruize beside her. “Stop talking.”

“Why can’t I talk?” He Ruilin refused to give in. “My original intention was to do something for the family. It’s just that I didn’t succeed. It isn’t something unforgivable. It is unfair to treat us like this!”

Feeling furious, He Wenhuai covered his chest.

Now, not only does she not admit her mistakes, but she also refuses to listen to my words, huh?

“Okay, enough. Don’t you see that Dad is angry?” He Ruixing scolded.

“Don’t pretend to be a good person in front of Dad. You are afraid that Ruize and I will get the family asset and take away your position in the company, so you please Dad in every way—”

“Enough!” He Wenhuai thumped the table, and started coughing, probably because he was too angry. He was coughing so hard that his face flushed, so He Ruixing smoothed his back for him.

“I’m just saying the truth. Ruixing often flatters others outside, and also flatters dad at home.”

The family business was in charged by He Ruixing alone. She had returned to the He family for so many years, yet every time she said that she wanted to work in the company, He Ruixing deliberately came up with various excuses to prevent her from joining the company.

He is afraid of me getting a share of the family asset, isn’t he?

“Okay, just go back in the house!” Xia Zhenyu couldn’t bear it. They were all her own children. She could side with neither one.

“Let her say it!” He Wenhuai opened his mouth and gasped, as if he would faint at any time from being out of breath.

“Dad, is it fair to leave the company to my brother alone?” He Ruilin felt dissatisfied a long time ago. She only said it now because she just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to vent it out.

He Ruixing looked at her without saying a word.

He Wenhuai looked up. “So now you’re talking about being fair?”

He was not a dotard who only put his eldest son in an important position. It was because he saw it thoroughly.

He Ruize went to study some psychology and became a psychiatrist despite his disagreement. After he came back, he didn’t understand anything about the business, which wasn’t easy in this competitive era.

It was too late for him to learn now. Moreover, business wasn’t something that could be learned.

It required ability, courage and vision.

He Ruize had none.

As for He Ruilin, she was a girl. She was able to stay with Zong Jinghao back then, not because of her ability, but because of what happened during the childhood. Out of compassion or pity, he kept her as his secretary, who only served drinks, and arranged his daily schedule.

The most important thing was that she was a girl and would be married in the future.

Hence, it was impossible for He Wenhuai to give her company shares that she would later bring to the family of her husband.

Meanwhile, He Ruixing took up business studies and learned with him after graduation, before he took over the company.

Although he was not outstanding, he had been in the business for many years. He didn’t have the ability to grow his family, but he had accumulated experiences and could maintain the status quo of the company.

Therefore, he turned a blind eye to any of He Ruixing’s attempts to usurp power.

“Wenhuai, calm down. They are all just children” Xia Zhenyu came to smooth his back for him and comforted him.

“Humph.” He Wenhuai sneered. “They’re already in their 30s. What children?”


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