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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 126

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 126

It was obvious that he was just teasing.

Fortunately, he did not reject Lin Ruixi on the spot and made her sad. The teasing was nothing in comparison.

Lin Xinyan turned her head. She felt her throat tighten. “Thank you.”

She was about to turn away and leave when Zong Jinghao grabbed onto her wrist. He turned over to face Lin Ruixi. “Dad has something to tell your mommy. Can you go out first?”

Lin Ruixi was an obedient girl. She nodded and climbed to the table top before sliding herself down. Lin Xinyan was afraid that she would fall off so she reached out to catch her. The girl did not let her. “I’m fine, don’t need to catch me. Go and talk to dad.”

After her sentence, she lifted her short legs and walked off.

Lin Xinyan looked at her daughter’s figure, feeling more and more anxious every second. What would happen to her when she realized her dad was not actually her dad?

Lin Xinyan did not dare to think further.

Why did she think Zong Jinghao was her dad?

It was absurd!

Lin Xinyan fell into a trance. Zong Jinghao pulled, and she fell forwards into Zong Jinghao’s arms. Zong Jinghao circled her waist and pulled her again until her body was completely on him.

Lin Xinyan was shocked. “This is your house. There are people outside.”

Zong Jinghao ignored her words. He just reached out another hand to close the bathroom door.

Her heart dropped along with the sound of the door closing.

“W—W—What are you trying to do?”

Zong Jinghao did not answer her; he just looked at her from above.

Lin Xinyan anxiously looked away from his eyes. “The food is ready, it’s time to eat.”

Zong Jinghao hooked her chin and forced her to look at him. His pupils were dark and in it were stormy waves.

Lin Xinyan’s heart skipped a beat and she asked carefully, “Are you not happy?”

Zong Jinghao remained silent.

Lin Xinyan felt even more anxious. “Is it because of Ruixi? She never had a dad, so she might have mixed it up. Don’t mind about it, I’ll—”

“That night, did you lose your virginity?”

She could not understand his sudden words.

She looked at him, stunned, for a few seconds.

“Did you mean—” She tensed. She seemed to know what he was talking about.

She had been passed out. By the time she woke, her clothes had been taken off and her pants had been unbuttoned.

The only thing that she was sure of was that she had not lost her chastity. However, she did not know as to what He Ruize had done to her while she was unconscious.

She looked straight into Zong Jinghao’s eyes, and said, “I don’t know what he did to me. All I know for sure was that he had not touched me.”

To be more accurate, it was not that he had not touched her, but that she had woken up when He Ruize was about to touch her.

If she had woken up a few minutes later, she did not know what the consequences would have been.

She lowered her eyes and hid her tears away. “I’m sorry.”

Zong Jinghao thought about the video where her clothes were stripped off, and the blood rushed into his brain.

“What are you sorry about?”

“I don’t know.”

She did not know; her mind was in a mess.

She did not know why she was saying this nor why she had to apologize to him.

She reached out to push him but instead of letting go, Zong Jinghao grabbed her head and kissed her lips.

Her lips were in his mouth and it was as if something exploded in Lin Xinyan’s brain as her world turned upside down. She pushed Zong Jinghao. “Why are you asking me this?”

Did he find out something about that day?

Something that even she did not know about?

Instead of answering her, Zong Jinghao renewed his grasp on her head and kissed her lips again. Lin Xinyan wanted to ask him to clarify. She pushed his firm body with both hands. “Mm— Tell me— Did— Did you find out about something?

Her resistance invited him to become wilder in his kiss. He pressed harder onto her lips until there was no empty space in between and took away her breath. She lost her ability to speak and could only take in the air from his mouth.

The passion was filling up the narrow space.

He moved closer towards her and Lin Xinyan had to move backward. Bang. Her back had hit the bathroom door behind her and it made a loud sound.

In the living room, Aunt Yu and Zhuang Zijin who were accompanying Lin Ruixi looked at the bathroom at the same time.

They seemed to know what was going on.

Aunt Yu smiled. “Young people.”

Zhuang Zijin was not as happy as Aunt Yu. She only felt a deep sense of sorrow.


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