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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 128

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 128

Lin Xinyan handed him a piece of wet tissue.

Instead of taking it, Zong Jinghao just looked at her with an indifferent gaze.

Her daughter did this, should she not do something about it?

Lin Xinyan understood what his gaze meant. She reached out to wipe his face but Lin Ruixi interrupted her by pulling her shirt. “Mommy, give it to me. I want to wipe for dad.”

Zong Jinghao looked at the two of them in silence.

Lin Xinyan lowered her head and looked at her daughter. Her little eyes were begging her desperately.

Lin Ruixi grabbed onto her shirt and said in a cute voice, “Mommy, give it to me. I’ll wipe it for dad.”

Lin Xinyan could not reject her. Just as she was about to pass the wet tissue to her daughter, Zong Jinghao reached out to snatch it away and wiped his own face.

Lin Xinyan looked at him in silence.

In a gloomy voice, she said, “My daughter is not the devil.”

“She’s something like one.”

After wiping his face, Zong Jinghao passed the wet tissue back to Lin Xinyan. “I’ll be leaving.”

Lin Ruixi was furrowing her brows and wondering what their words meant. She could not understand what it meant even when the door had closed, so she looked at Lin Xinyan and asked, “Mommy, who is the devil?”

“No one is. Let’s go eat.” Lin Xinyan carried her back up on the chair. “Listen to grandma.”

Lin Ruixi turned behind and looked at the closed door. She wondered when dad would be back.

Although she was fed by Zhuang Zijin, she was absent-minded throughout the meal.

All her thoughts were on Zong Jinghao.

Lin Xinyan looked at her daughter and sighed. What was she going to do with this girl?

She could not immediately bring Lin Ruixi away and stopped the interaction between her daughter and Zong Jinghao. Their safety was of utmost importance. She could only improvise.

Lin Xinyan was bringing food to her son. One of her hands was holding the tray and the other pushed open the door. Lin Xichen was standing by the window. His hand had pulled the curtain apart and he was looking at Zong Jinghao leaving in his car.

“What are you looking at?” Lin Xinyan walked over.

Lin Xichen hurriedly let go of the curtain and it covered the window. He shook his head. “Nothing. I’m just bored in here so I’ve been looking outside.”

“If you want to come out, just come out. The swelling on your face has gone down quite a bit. No one would realize.” She said as she placed the food on the table. Lin Xichen came over, climbed up the chair, and sat down.

“No. I’m too ugly. I can’t let anyone see me.” Although Lin Xichen was a small boy, he had a big ego.

Lin Xinyan pushed the milk in front of him. “What do you want to eat? I’ll make it for you tomorrow.”

Lin Xichen shook his head and lowered his eyes. He sent the food into his mouth mechanically, seemingly down.

Lin Xinyan moved over to hug him. She asked, “Xichen, what’s wrong? Does the wound on your head hurt?”

“No.” The reason why his mood was bad was not because he was hurt, but because Lin Ruixi had called that heartless man dad.

He had never raised them.

Why did she have to call him dad?

He gripped his chopsticks. When Lin Ruixi had called Zong Jinghao, he had felt uncomfortable.

“What is it?” Lin Xinyan lowered her head to look at her son.

“Nothing. I just feel upset because I’m hurt.”

Lin Xinyan kissed the top of his head. “Sorry, mommy should have protected you better.”

“It’s not mommy’s fault.” To stop Lin Xinyan from worrying more, Lin Xichen tucked his emotions away and started eating his food.

Zong Jinghao’s car stopped at Shanghuang Hotel.

He sat in the car as he watched the video where Lin Xinyan was stripped. The video had no sounds but it was obvious that He Ruize had said something when he was touching her. However, Zong Jinghao could not focus on anything else by He Ruize’s hand. The corner of his eyes twitched.

The video stopped when He Ruize was unbuttoning Lin Xinyan’s pants.

He exited the video and called Guan Jing.

When the call went through, the first thing that Guan Jing said was “He Ruixing had called me. I think he’s looking for you, so I didn’t pick it up, but I don’t think he’ll give up so easily.”


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