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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 138

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 138

She turned her head and saw Zong Jinghao standing behind her. She could not see his expression clearly against the light and could only peep at the unclear outline of his face.

The front desk took the card in Zong Jinghao’s hand, “Altogether, the total cost is 12,080.”

“Oh, so the car was driven by Sister-in-law.” Su Zhan booed aside while Lin Xinyan lowered her head, put her card back, and asked softly, “Are you going back?”

Before Zong Jinghao could answer, Su Zhan took the lead, “What time is it now? Is it too early to go back? Besides-” He pointed to Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan, “You still owe me a toast for your wedding. Instead of choosing a date to make it up to me, let’s do it today.”

Zong Jinghao did not object. His eyes seemed to be covered with dust, and they looked elusive.

Lin Xinyan just felt embarrassed, especially at how Su Zhan addressed her. It sounded very awkward.

“I’m not going. You all can go.” Lin Xinyan turned to leave and Zong Jinghao grabbed her wrist, “Wait for me.”

Lin Xinyan wanted to break away from his hand, but he held it too tightly, and she could not break away.

At this time, the front desk had settled the bill and handed over the card and the invoice, “A total consumption cost of 12,080.”

Zong Jinghao put them in his wallet and said lightly, “Let’s go.”

Su Zhan did not plan to let them go. He stopped in front of them, “If you don’t buy me a drink today, I’ll never let you go.”

Su Zhan raised his head and looked as if he owned the path and the entire place.

Qin Ya who was standing behind, stepped back quietly and tried to leave. From the mirror reflection, Su Zhan could see the woman behind him trying to leave secretly.

Su Zhan saw that she came with Lin Xinyan just now, which meant that they knew each other. He turned around and grabbed her, “Don’t go.”

Qin Ya was startled and looked at him in horror.

“Don’t be afraid. Are you my sister-in-law’s friend?” Su Zhan grinned, and his white teeth were particularly dazzling in the light.

Qin Ya glanced at Lin Xinyan and nodded, “I’m Ms. Lin’s assistant.”

“Oh, what do you all do?”

“Fashion designers.”

“Coincidentally, I want to order a set of tailored clothes.”

“Well, we’ll open our store the day after tomorrow, and we welcome you to our store.” Qin Ya answered eloquently.


Su Zhan blinked, “You all have set up a store, and it’ll open the day after tomorrow?”

Qin Ya nodded.

Su Zhan hugged Shen Peichuan who was watching the excitement at the side, and tugged at his neck, “Sister-in-law’s store is opening soon. We should definitely go there, and you must make time to go and give your support.”

“Yeah.” Shen Peichuan answered.

He felt that although Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan were divorced, they had children together. Their remarriage was just a matter of time. Judging from Zong Jinghao’s attitude, he seemed to care about her a lot.

Giving their support is a must. No matter what happened, they must make time to go there.

Su Zhan smiled, displaying his red lips and white teeth, “Sister-in-law, if you don’t make it up to us regarding the wedding toast, I won’t let you leave.”

He acted shamelessly.

Lin Xinyan frowned.

She looked at Zong Jinghao, hoping that he could reprimand his friend.

And he could stop him from continuing to make things difficult for her.

What wedding toast?

What was there to celebrate?

Zong Jinghao pretended not to see while holding her hand and playing with it.

He did not reject Su Zhan’s mention of wedding celebration.

When he married Lin Xinyan, there was nothing, and he did not introduce her to his good friends.

Inexplicably, he was pleased to hear Su Zhan call her Sister-in-law.

He did not want to introduce Lin Xinyan to them in the past because he was not interested in her.

That marriage was not what he wanted.

But it was different now. He wanted to keep this marriage and this woman.

Also, he was willing to give her official status openly.

Su Zhan and Shen Peichuan were his good friends.

It was good to let them know about her.

“If Sister-in-law is busy, please go first. Chuan and I can go drinking with this young lady.” Su Zhan grabbed Qin Ya’s arm and took her to leave with him.

“Ms. Lin.” Qin Ya shouted at Lin Xinyan in a panic.

“Wait a minute.” Lin Xinyan had no choice and was forced to agree.

“Let her go.”

Su Zhan did it on purpose. The woman that Zong Jinghao admired probably would not have a very bad character. She definitely would not stay indifferent and watch her assistant being taken away.

It turned out that he was right.


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