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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 173

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 173

Lin Yuhan opened her eyes wide as she glared at He Ruilin. She looked as if she would rush forward to stab her if she had a knife in her hands.

“Let go of her.” Zong Jinghao would not believe that Lin Yuhan did not know about Lin Xinyan’s whereabouts just because He Ruilin had said so.

They were only cooperating for their own benefits. The trust between them was weak and it was easy to make them go against each other.

It was also not difficult for him to get information from them.

“Bitch! How would you know if I don’t know?” Lin Yuhan roared. If it was not for someone holding her back, she would have swallowed He Ruilin whole.

It was just like what Zong Jinghao had thought. Their cooperation was formed purely for their benefits. Now that they were going against each other, they would not think for each other. If anything, they would want each other to die.

“Your brother had taken her away and I had followed him secretly. You’re dumb to think that I don’t know where she is. Did you think you’re the only one who has a backup plan? I do too!” Shen Xiuqing had died in this plan. Her only family had left her and now she was alone in this big world. How could she not become more cunning and prepare a backup plan for herself?”

Shen Peichuan and Su Zhan exchanged a look.

These two women had their own secret plans. Zong Jinghao’s plan to make them go against each other worked perfectly here.

Zong Jinghao bent his fingers but did not clench his hands tight. He said, “The one who tells me Lin Xinyan’s whereabouts will be the one who lives.”


“I’ll tell you!”

The two said at the same time then looked at each other, hoping that the other person would be the one to die.

“He Ruize brought Lin Xinyan to Shunbei Village. It’s not far from B City…”

Lin Yuhan’s words came out immediately as she tried to be faster than He Ruilin.

They had no trust in the face of danger. The relationship between them that was built on individual benefits collapsed instantly.

Zong Jinghao was already walking out when Lin Yuhan had yet to finish her sentence.

Su Zhan hurried to follow him. Shen Peichuan looked at the two men at the corner and instructed them, “Let go of her.”

“Won’t they fight?” It was obvious that the two could not be in the same space right now.

Shen Peichuan’s lips turned upwards. “It’s not up to me to decide who will live and who will die. Get some men and follow me.”

The two men understood Shen Peichuan’s words and let go of Lin Yuhan. They followed Shen Peichuan out of the interrogation room and locked the door behind them.

The moment Lin Yuhan had gotten free, she pounced on He Ruilin. “Bitch! Go to hell! Go to hell! How dare you betray me!”

He Ruilin was even more furious than her. “You idiot! Zong Jinghao was intentionally doing these to us! If you and I kept our mouth shut, we could have had a chance to survive! Do you think that you can live after you said it?”

Lin Yuhan was stunned for a moment but anger overtook her senses. She clamped her hands around He Ruilin’s neck. “If you had not betrayed me, I could have still been by his side! It was because you, traitor! You’re the one who betrayed me first, how dare you call me one?”

When a person was enraged, they had unlimited potential. The present was a good example. He Ruilin was severely injured and she could barely take a breath, yet she managed to overpower and pushed Lin Yuhan, who had been riding on her, off. While Lin Yuhan was down, He Ruilin sat on top of her, grabbed her hair, and shouted in her face, “I never betrayed you! He had always known that you were never Lin Xinyan!”

Lin Yuhan felt like her scalp was going to be torn off and she bared her teeth in pain. She shouted back, “Do you think I’ll believe what you said? If you didn’t tell him, how could he have known? It’s not like he’s a telepath that reads my mind!”

He Ruilin was stunned for a second. That’s right, she could not even differentiate this face from Lin Xinyan’s. How did Zong Jinghao realize it so quickly?

How much did he know about Lin Xinyan?

While she was spacing out, Lin Yuhan managed to gain the upper hand again. “Even if you didn’t tell him earlier, but you had betrayed me just now and I heard it with my own ears.”

Lin Yuhan grabbed onto her hair and smashed her head towards the floor. “Grab my hair again! Grab it! Hope you die from this, bitch!”

He Ruilin felt herself getting dazed from the knocking. The intense pain had turned and she felt like her brain was going to flow out of her head. She knocked hard on the floor to try to get someone to save her.

Unfortunately, there would be no one entering this place nor saving her today.

She wanted to defend herself, but she did not have the strength to.

“Bitch, go to hell!” Lin Yuhan was caught up in her anger; she did not care about whether He Ruilin would actually die or not. She only wanted revenge for her betrayal.

“Lin… Yuhan. If I die, don’t think you can live…”

“Didn’t you want to kill me? Didn’t you want my life? If anyone’s going to die, it’ll be you!” Lin Yuhan smiled ferociously.

He Ruilin’s vision was spinning and the figure in front of her was getting blurrier every second. She did not know if she was dying; she was barely holding on. Suddenly, she grabbed onto Lin Yuhan’s hair and pulled her downwards with all her remaining strength. Lin Yuhan screamed in pain and He Ruilin took the opportunity to pull out her dress strap and wrap it around her neck. She pulled it tight.

This face was the same as Lin Xinyan, and so she placed all her hatred of Lin Xinyan on her.

Her eyes were bloodshot as she continued to tighten the pull.


Lin Yuhan’s eyes rolled up and her tongue was extended out of her mouth. She opened her mouth to try to get help, but she could only force out some choking noises.

“You’re still a long way from killing me!”

He Ruilin was like a mad woman. “Go to hell! Lin Xinyan, Lin Yuhan, you should all just die! You can’t defeat me like this! Haha…”

Gradually, Lin Yuhan stopped struggling.


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