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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 196

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 196

When she was speaking, she sized Lin Xinyan up again. She didn’t find anything special about the dress she was wearing. In her eyes, it was just a dress.

Judging from the pair of disposable hotel slippers on her feet and the hickey left by Zong Jinghao on her neck the night before, she sneered. “You’re an escort? How much for a night? How many nights will it take for you to make enough money for a piece of clothing?”

Speechless, Lin Xinyan knitted her brows, while her expression tensed up. The shop assistant’s words had really angered her.

I just came to buy some clothes, why would I meet such a freak?

And I’m even called an escort for no reason! This is so insulting!

But her good upbringing prevented her from lashing out at the shop assistant.

“Please let me go immediately, otherwise I will call the police?!” Lin Xinyan’s voice was extremely cold, like the ice during winter which exuded a chilling aura.

The shop assistant was taken aback for a moment. She didn’t expect her—an escort—to have this kind of aura, but soon she calmed down, thinking she was just pretending!

“Do you think I’ll be scared if you call the police?” The shop assistant looked up and said, “This is Baicheng. As long as my cousin goes to Bai Yinning and has a word with him, the police also have to listen to Chairman Bai. Enough nonsense, and give me the money, otherwise, don’t think of leaving here!”

Such a person was so unreasonable and difficult to deal with.

Lin Xinyan was trembling with anger. How could there be such an unreasonable person in this world?

“The money.” Seeing that Lin Xinyan didn’t move, the shop assistant reached out to grab the purse in her hand. Just when she was about to touch Lin Xinyan’s purse, the bodyguard who had been standing outside finally sensed that something was wrong and rushed in to push the shop assistant away.

The man that Shen Peichuan picked was very skillful. The shop assistant fell over with just a slight push from him. She instinctively wanted to grab something to support herself, but she pulled down a row of the rack, causing all the clothes to be scattered all over the ground.

The shop assistant landed on her back, and it hurt so much that she grimaced and glared at the bodyguard who rushed in. “Who are you? How dare you cause a stir here? Do you want to die?”

Then she took out her phone and called her cousin. “Sis, come to the store. Someone is smashing our store.”

The bodyguard frowned and took out his phone to call Shen Peichuan, saying that Lin Xinyan was in trouble.

The expression on Shen Peichuan’s face tensed up. Has He Ruize shown up?

He looked at Zong Jinghao, who was playing claw machine with his daughter and son. Then, he walked quickly over. “Ma’am is in trouble upstairs.”

Zong Jinghao looked back at him.

“Could it be that He Ruize couldn’t stand it and come out?” Shen Peichuan speculated.

Zong Jinghao picked up his daughter with one hand, took his son by the hand, and walked up the elevator. Shen Peichuan quickly followed, and a few bodyguards went up together as well.

As soon as they arrived upstairs, they saw Lin Xinyan through the glass windows of a clothing store.

“Mommy’s there.” Lin Ruixi pointed at Lin Xinyan who was standing behind the window.

“Yeah,” Zong Jinghao replied.

Shen Peichuan was a little confused. What’s going on?

After entering the store, they noticed the mess in the clothing store.

“Mommy.” Lin Xichen rushed over and hugged Lin Xinyan’s leg. “Why are you so slow in buying clothes? By the way, what’s with the mess here?”

“I saw her grabbing Madam by the hand, and even wanted to raise her hand, so I—I failed to control my strength, and she fell down along with the clothes.” The bodyguard came up to explain. He was standing outside the door when the shop assistant went to grab the purse in Lin Xinyan’s hand. From his perspective, it seemed that she was raising her hand to her, so he rushed in.

Zong Jinghao lowered his eyes, with an evident chill on his face. He looked at Lin Xinyan and asked, “Did you get hurt?”

Lin Xinyan shook her head and said she was all right.

The shop assistant saw that something was not quite right. Why are there so many people? Did this man just call her Madam?

But the most powerful person in Baicheng is Bai Yinning, and I’ve never seen this person.

As she thought, she regained courage. “Don’t you try to scare me. Let me tell you, I am not afraid of you. These clothes have become dirty because you caused them to fall to the ground, so you have to compensate me!”

Lin Xinyan had already known how unreasonable she could be. So at this moment, she didn’t want to waste any more time with her, and said, “How much in total? I will give you the money.”


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