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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 213

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 213

“How could you do this?” Bai Hongfei could not believe what his mother said. “I thought that you like her very much, didn’t you?”

“I like her then because she was a member of the Cheng family. After the death of her father, she would no longer the darling daughter of a rich family. As I have expected, after the death of Mr. Cheng, the family faced a series of problems.”

Madam Bai held the shoulders of his son. “Wake up, son. You are the only heir to the wealth of Bai family. Why worry about women? What is Cheng Yuxiu? Mind you, she is no longer a good match for you. You should be looking for someone better who can help you in your career!”

Bai Hongfei looked at his mother and said, “But I love her and I want to marry her. I want her to be my wife…”


Mrs. Bai slapped his son in anger. “Why can’t you be a man?”

All this for a girl!

“She is just a girl. Do you know how she had manage to raise a sum of over tens of millions overnight?” Madam Bai cast a fierce look at his son. “I personally saw her get into a limousine. I am sure she is no longer a virgin. Don’t tell me you don’t mind taking her as your wife now…”


Bai Hongfei pushed her mother away. He could not stand listening to such derogatory remarks from his mother.

He raced to the river bank where he used to meet with Cheng Yuxiu. They both enjoyed looking at the crystal-clear water flowing there.

They often met there. Cheng Yuxiu would always lean against his chest while they enjoyed the quiet ambience that seemed to belong only to them.

They came here one day before celebrating Cheng Yuxiu’s birthday where he hugged her passionately. “Tomorrow you will be 20 years old.”

“So what”?

Bai Hongfei kissed her cheeks. “We can get married now.” And then he put his hands round her waist, telling her, “I want you to give birth to many children of our own. We will stay here for the rest of our lives. What do you think?”

She snuggled up to him. Tears welled in her eyes. “Hongfei, will you love me forever?”

“Yes, I will. I will never betray you. I will protect you and make sure you don’t get hurt for the rest of your life,” Bai Hongfei vowed.

Cheng Yuxiu leaned against his chest, hugging him tightly. She couldn’t resist the urge to sound playful. “I am willing to marry you and have many children with you so that Meng City will become White City populated by many descendants of Bai family…”

Bai Hongfei was touched. He kissed her hair and responded in jest, “So, you don’t have anything to do with the Cheng family anymore, do you?”

Cheng Yuxiu held him and kissed him on the lips. “I will follow the man I marry, be he a rooster or a dog.”

“How dare you compare me to a rooster and a dog?” Bai Hongfei pretended to be angry.

“You are just like that… “

“Like what?”

Cheng Yuxiu feared that Bai Hongfei might want to punish her so she pushed him off and started to run away.

Bai Hongfei chased her. “Cheng Yuxiu, stop running. Otherwise, I won’t let you off so easily.”

Cheng Yuxiu laughed and looked over her shoulders mischievously. “How will you punish me then?”

Bai Hongfei seemed ready with an answer. “I will marry you, lock you up in the room so I can stare at you whole day and love you — “

“Shame on you!” Cheng Yuxiu pretended to hate the proposed punishment. “Don’t even tell others that I know you. Oh!”

She ran too fast and tripped on a pebble.

“Be careful.”


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