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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 215

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 215

Zong Qifeng looked in the direction of Mr. Zhang.

President Zong? When Cheng Yuxiu turned round to look at the person at the entrance, she froze at once. Oh, my God! She didn’t know what to do.

Mr. Zhang did not notice anything unusual in Cheng Yuxiu’s behavior. He stood up and walked to the front of Zong Qifeng. “President Zong, are you here for dinner? I would be most privileged to have dinner with you.”

They had befriended each other during previous business deals.

At the same time, Mr. Zhang also greeted Zong Qifeng’s companions. “Come. Let’s have a nice dinner. I have taken a table near the window. We can enjoy the scene outside as we eat. It’s great, isn’t it?”

Those companions dared not decide; they stared at Zong Qifeng, hinting at him to have the final say.

Zong Qifeng stared at the floor and nodded. “We’d be glad to.”

Mr. Zhang at once led the way. He pulled out the chair for Zong Qifeng.

As soon as all had sat down, Mr. Zhang signaled the waiter to order more dishes.

Cheng Yuxiu became very uncomfortable. She held her hands together and placed them under the table. She never expected to meet Zong Qifeng here. so she kept her head down.

Someone poked fun at Mr. Zhang. “You are having dinner with a beautiful lady. Sorry for spoiling your plan.”

“Mr. Zhang, we haven’t met this beautiful lady before, have we?”

Cheng Yuxiu instinctively raised her head and had eye contact with Zong Qifeng.

Cheng Yuxiu was anxious and wanted to explain. However, there were other people around so she kept mum.

She remembered Zong Qifeng told her not to disclose their relationship to anyone else.

She didn’t say a word especially in front of Zong Qifeng for fear of drawing unwanted attention.

She looked at Mr. Zhang. “I am sorry. I’ve got to go now.”

Mr. Zhang signaled her to sit down. “Relax. They are only joking. Please stay on to have dinner together. I don’t expect to let leave with your stomach empty.”

Having reassured Cheng Yuxiu, Mr Zhang glanced at the two who poked fun at him. “Come on, buddies. I am a married man. Don’t give me a bad name as a womanizer. I have the pleasure to introduce to you…”

He pointed at Cheng Yuxiu, “My savior.”

“As you are well aware, I have a bunch of old-fashioned senior staffs who are resistant to change. They are the stumbling blocks to my efforts to make changes for the company. Luckily,…sorry, I didn’t get your name. What’s your name, please!”

Mr. Zhang realized he did not even know Cheng Yuxiu’s name when he wanted to introduce her.

At this point, he found that during the meeting that morning, he was so bold and hasty as to appoint a newly-employed, name-unknown, clerk to the post of Vice President of Wanxiang Group.

When Mr. Zhang asked for the name of his new vice president, Zong Qifeng winced. He also didn’t know the name of this lady who had been living with him under the same roof for two months.

“Cheng Yuxiu,” she said with a wince.

Zong Qifeng curved his eyebrows slightly. To him, the name sounded quite like that of a girl from a respectable family.

“Cheng Yuxiu? It’s a nice name! To begin with, it is unlike the commonplace names of so many girls. It sounds poetic in Chinese. Sorry for the digression,” said Mr. Zhang with a laugh. “You know what, she made an elaborate presentation that succeeded in convincing those old-fashioned senior staff.”

Mr Zhang stood up and glanced at everyone at the dinner table. “Gentlemen, this is my company’s newly-appointed vice president. In the future, she will be my most trusted assistant. She is capable and has a vision. No doubt, she is beautiful. But I can tell now, her capability is even more impressive.”

Mr. Zhang appreciated the capability of Cheng Yuxiu. She showcased this during the meeting in morning when she ably shot down all dissenting opinions from the company’s old-fashioned senior staffs.


At once, Cheng Yuxiu became the focus of attention.

For years, Wanxiang Machinery had been a market leader. However, the flush of competitors had impacted its business significantly. Mr. Zhang’s plan for a revamp was shelved because of resistance from those old-fashioned senior staff. The latter was content with the company’s dwindling profits and opposed to spending time and money on innovation. There had been no one to help him spearhead his program for innovation.

Everyone was curious. How did she manage to pull down the resistance of those old-fashioned old fellas?

“That was nothing. But thank you anyway. I am flattered.” Cheng Yuxiu felt so uncomfortable at the dinner table; the prevailing tension made her lose her appetite.

“Mr. Zhang, I am sorry. I really must be going now.” Cheng Yu stood up, signaling her insistence to leave.

Mr. Zhang noticed her insistence to leave. He didn’t want to spoil the work relationship with her. So he compromised. “In that case, let me give you a toast. I will get someone to send you home. How about that?”


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