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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 222

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 222

Zong Qifeng furrowed his brows. “What’s going on?”

“My brother is here. It’s cold outside, so bring her to a hotel to rest for a while first. I’ll call you again when my brother leaves,” Wen Xian said as she hid in the bathroom of the house.

Wen Qin had already arrived at her doorstep when she came back from her shopping trip.

She almost froze from shock the moment she saw her. Luckily, Cheng Yuxiu wasn’t around to expose her lies.

“I understand.”

Wen Xian hung up after that. She gave a big sigh of relief and checked her tummy in the mirror, only opening the door after she confirmed that nothing seemed suspicious.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming?” She whined.

Wen Qing leaned back on the sofa. He was tall and well-built, and everything that came out of his mouth sounded dramatically domineering.

He looked at his sister. “What are you talking about? I’m pretty sure I don’t have to report in advance if I wanted to come and visit my little sister. By the way, aren’t you supposed to be at your pregnancy checkup now? Why did you go to the shopping mall?”

He eyed the shopping bags scattered on the sofa.

Wen Xian walked over and sat on the sofa, telling the maid to pour Wen Qing some water. “I went to buy some baby clothes on the way back from the checkup, since the baby’s coming soon anyway. Why are you here today?”

Wen Qing told his driver to unload the goods from his car. “Mom told me to bring all this for you and the baby. Don’t you know much attention this little one is getting even before it’s born?”

Soon, his driver returned with his hands full of baby products, food, clothes, as well as nutritional supplements for Wen Xian. He had to go to the car the second time before he finally unloaded everything.

Wen Xian was slightly shocked. “That’s a lot of stuff.”

“All for your little one,” Wen Qing said, reaching out to touch her belly.

Wen Xian slapped his hand away, breaking out in cold sweat. She hadn’t expected him to want to touch her belly all of a sudden.

It was a fake one after all, so one touch would expose everything.

Luckily, she reacted fast enough to stop things from getting out of hand.

Wen Qing coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment. His sister was an adult, and a married one for that matter. He shouldn’t be touching her without her permission.

“Did Qifeng not go for the checkup with you?”

Wen Qing was a little annoyed. His sister was pregnant and yet Qifeng didn’t even bother spending more time with her. Furthermore, she’s already approaching her due date, which meant that he shouldn’t be leaving her alone for extended periods of time.

“He’s busy…”

“Is work or your child more important?”

Wen Xian didn’t manage to say another word before Wen Qing cut her off, “Can’t he tell which is more important?”

Wen Xian had wanted to explain further, but Wen Qing had already taken out his phone to call Zong Qifeng.

Soon, the call went through, but before he could start his interrogation, Wen Xian grabbed his phone and cut the line. “I don’t need you poking your nose into my matters.”

Wen Qing frowned, though it was a disappointed and worried frown. He had meant well and didn’t want Zong Qifeng to bully her, but she…

“Fine. I won’t meddle in your matters from now on,” Wen Qing said, standing up.

Wen Xian began to regret her words. That was her brother, and all he did was to show concern towards her.

She shouldn’t have snapped at him.

“I’m sorry, Big Brother. I didn’t mean it.”

Wen Qing took his hat over from his driver and froze for a second at the sound of that. Putting his hat back on, he said, “If he ever bullies you, just give me a call.”

After that, he strode out of the door.

She was his sister after all, and he wouldn’t just abandon her just because of a tiny disagreement.

Wen Xian ran after him and hugged him from behind. “Big Brother, my prenatal depression might be messing with my mood, so please don’t get mad…I didn’t mean to say that just now, and I know that you care about me…”

Wen Qing frowned and dislodged himself from her embrace. “Aren’t you pregnant? Why are you running?”

“I forgot for a second…”

“You forgot that you’re pregnant?” Wen Qing felt that he had just heard the biggest joke of his life. Who would forget that they’re pregnant? He reached out a finger and swiped it across her nose. “The child in your belly is the firstborn of both the Zongs and the Wens, so you’d better make sure it stays safe. If I see you acting so rashly once again, I’m going to beat you up.”

Wen Qing pretended to act fierce.

Wen Xian knew that he was just joking. He cares about her.

She threw herself into his embrace again. “Big Brother…”

Wen Qing pinched her cheeks with the strength of the soldier that he was. “It hurts!” Wen Xian squeaked in pain.

“I didn’t even put in any effort,” Wen Qing said.


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