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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 233

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 233

Cheng Yuwen came back first before Lin Xinyan went up to the mountain. He arranged the two solid wood thousand squares shelf in the yard, with various wood carvings in it.

Lin Xichen’s eyes lit up as he saw them. He let go of Cheng Yuxiu’s hand and walked over to grab a wood-crafted pigeon. What surprised him was the legs, wings, and eyes could move on its own. The feathers of the pigeon were so lifelike.

“Wow, this is my first time seeing wooden carvings.” Perhaps boys are naturally more drawn towards toys, while girls aren’t. Lin Ruixi was much calmer compared to Lin Xichen. All she cared about was yummy food and fluffy soft toys. She could hardly find any other toys that she liked other than food and soft toys.

Cheng Yuwen had never been married before. He had been staying in the same place since Cheng Yuwen married into the Zong family. He passed his time by doing woodcarving. He carved all the wood carvings on the shelf. He spent a lot of time learning from scratch, and now he could master all types of animal wood carvings, be it the animals that flew in the sky, swam in the water, or ran on the ground. He could make all of them lifelike as if they were real.

Lin Xichen was overwhelmed by all the wood carvings before his eyes. He thought all the animals were so cute and lifelike. He couldn’t help but placed it onto his hands for a closer inspection.

Seeing Lin Xichen so happy, Cheng Yuwen laughed out loud.

“What is so fun about these?” Lin Ruixi said with a pouted mouth. She felt like all these carvings were prepared for the brother, and she had got nothing to play with.

The little girl pouted her mouth, looking very upset.

Lin Xinyan stroked her daughter’s hair and looked up at Cheng Yuxiu, “She just loves to compare with her brother.”

Cheng Yuxiu smiled at her and thought that it was the nature of the children. That was what made them so cute and naive, without any worries.

“Oh my, Ruixi was jealous of her brother?” Cheng Yuwen teased her in a loving manner. He looked amiable with the smile lines around his eyes and mouth.

Lin Ruixi pursed her pink lips, “You have prepared so many fun toys for my brother, while I have nothing at all.”

“Then what do you like? Cheng Yuwen asked.

Lin Ruixi thought about it while tilting her head, “I like to eat pudding, red bean cake and cantaloupe-flavored chocolate…”

It was all about food.

Lin Xinyan was speechless.

“This girl…” Lin Xinyan knew that her daughter was a glutton, but she never thought that even when others asked about her favorite toys, she could relate it to food as well.

“I don’t have anything that you mentioned just now. However, I do have…” He walked over to the parasol tree which leaves were pale yellow and lush.

There were two ropes, as thick as the whip, hanging down from the branches. At the end of the rope was an unknown object covered in red cloth.

“I have prepared some toy for Ruixi as well but I am not sure if Ruixi will like it.”

The little girl was so excited that she ran towards it, “What is it? Let me see.”

“You may open up the cloth yourself.” Cheng Yuwen worried that the little girl would not like the surprise that he had prepared.

Lin Ruixi grabbed the red silk cloth and pulled it down. The red cloth then fell to the ground, revealing a big white swan before her. The wings of the white swan were tied with ropes on each side. The body was dug out in the middle making it perfect for sitting. It was a seat with a backrest.

“I want to sit on it.” The little girl held onto the white swan and said, “I have never sat on a white swan swing before.”

Cheng Yuwen helped her up to sit on a chair made of unique materials. The big white swan was carved out by him, using a massive tree root and painted in white.

Although it was nothing special, he put in a lot of effort to make it.

“Yeah, the big white swan is flying now” The swing swung gently as if a white swan was flying in the sky.

Lin Ruixi shouted happily as she sat on the big white swan, holding tight to its neck, and flew into the sky.

Lin Xinyan and Cheng Yuxiu sat on rattan chairs in the yard, and a kettle was placed on the table in front of them. The kettle was prepared by Cheng Yuwen.

Cheng Yuxiu was glad that the children enjoyed themselves here. The Zong residence was very different from the houses in a busy city as it was quiet and peaceful. It was a much-desired lifestyle to some people.

She turned and looked at Lin Xinyan, “See how happy they are despite the fact that this place wasn’t fancy or high-tech, yet they are having so much fun.”

Lin Xinyan looked at her children and sighed, “Yes, indeed.”

Seeing her children having so much fun, the corner of her lips raised into a smile.

“Jinghao has been the only male in the family for the last three generations. The Zong family is wealthy and powerful; however, there aren’t many descendants in the family. I knew that you must have had a hard time giving birth to the kids. If it is possible, I would like you to have another child, and I will help you in every way…”

She stopped her sentence midway for she knew that Zong Jinghao would not let her go near his children.

Thinking about it, her expression turned gloomy.

Lin Xinyan understood what she meant and why she stopped her sentence midway. There was too much bitterness in it, and only those who had been through it would truly understand the sorrows.

She lied to Zong Jinghao about not being able to give birth anymore. The truth was the car accident and giving birth to the twins had ruined her body. The doctor advised her that it was best not to have another child. Even if she could conceive, the chances of keeping the child were very slim as her body was too weak.

Even though the relationship between her and Zong Jinghao was better now, she had never thought about having another child. However, she didn’t want to reject Cheng Yuxiu straight to her face. Therefore she said, “I will consider it.”

As she sat in the yard where she had once lived and looked at her happy grandchildren and the kind-hearted daughter-in-law; she felt lucky and happy at the same time.

“I have a favor to ask of you.” Cheng Yuxiu looked at Lin Xinyan with a serious face.

“Yes, what is it?”

Cheng Yuxiu held Lin Xinyan’s hands in her palm, “Please take care of him for me. Even if he makes a mistake, please forgive him and don’t leave him.”

Lin Xinyan couldn’t say no to a mother as she was a mother herself. She knew how important a child was to a mother.


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