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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 247

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 247

By the time Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan came downstairs, the other occupants were already waiting at the dining table. Qin Ya was taking care of Lin Ruixi while Lin Xichen was eating his breakfast on his own, as he was independent enough to feed himself.

“Seems like I’m not too late. Just in time for breakfast.” Bai Yinning rolled himself in through the entrance.

He then turned to Lin Xinyan with a smile. “You’re the one who said you want to treat me to a meal, yet I have to chase you around. In this case, I think the bill should be on me and not you.”

Lin Xinyan had her mind occupied by the prank doll incident, hence she had totally forgotten about her promise. Feeling embarrassed, she replied, “I’m sorry. I’ve forgotten about it.”

“Oh, not a problem. I’m here to ask you out now.” Bai Yinning glanced at Zong Jinghao as he spoke, “Why not treat me for breakfast today?”

The man’s hands on Lin Xinyan’s shoulder slid down to her waist. Exerting some force, the woman was dragged closer to him and her figure was pressed tightly against his body. Zong Jinghao put on a fake smile as he eyed Bai Yinning. “Mr. Bai, don’t tell me you’re too poor to even afford your own meal?”

With a flicker in his eyes, the wheelchair-bound man ignored the other man’s hands on Lin Xinyan’s waist and replied with a faint smile, “No food tastes as good if it’s not treated by Ms. Lin. Even the most exquisite ones.”

Lin Xinyan’s gaze wavered between Bai Yinning and Zong Jinghao as they talked. Why did she have a feeling that these two were secretly fighting?

Were those sparks flying between them?

Since she was the one who promised to treat Bai Yinning in the first place, she shouldn’t go back on her words now. “Fine, then let’s eat together.”

Taking a look at their table, the man noticed that half of the seats were occupied by their gang. However, he still smiled politely. “Since you’re treating me, I don’t think it’s appropriate to eat with so many people. Shouldn’t you ask me what I want to eat?”

“I’m sorry. I’m being careless. Where do you want to eat then? Anything you’re craving for now?” Lin Xinyan’s face twitched at his words. She didn’t expect him to be so picky today.

She had always thought he was pretty easy going.

“After turning right from the hotel, there’s a very famous dumpling restaurant nearby. The breakfast set is pretty delicious and their crystal dumpling is my personal favorite. Mind to treat me that?”

With her smile still plastered on her face, she agreed, “Ok.”

Until then, Lin Xinyan still didn’t notice that Bai Yinning only wanted her to treat him alone. The man confirmed with her slyly, “You’re only treating me, right?”

The woman nodded without further doubt, “Yes.”

The man returned a bright smile. “Then wouldn’t it be inappropriate for Mr. Zong to tag along?”

This man is pushing his luck! The words rang in Zong Jinghao’s mind and were twirling on his tongue, threatening to slip out of his mouth. He was about to say it out loud when he felt a tug on his arm.

Lin Ruixi had come over to him and was tugging on his sleeves. “Daddy, come and eat with me. I’ve just peeled you an egg.”

Lin Xinyan stroked her daughter’s hair. “Behave well, Ruixi.” She then turned to Zong Jinghao. “Please take good care of Ruixi.”

“Daddy! Come and have a look at my peeled egg…” Just like how she dragged her mother this morning, Lin Ruixi dragged her father towards the dining table.

Once the two sat down, Lin Xinyan approached Bai Yinning, ready to go. “Let’s go.”

The man rolled his wheelchair out and took the lead.

Since the restaurant was not far, the two did not drive there. Gao Yuan did not tag along as well.

“You’re not mad at me, right?” Bai Yinning asked once they were out of the hotel.

Lin Xinyan smiled. “I’m the one who offered to treat you and I’ve forgotten about it. Sorry about that.”

“I mean, you’re not mad at me for asking only you out, right?”

Lin Xinyan was indeed surprised when he insisted on asking her out alone.

“Actually, I need your help. I cannot say it with so many people around, that’s why I asked you out alone,” Bai Yinning answered honestly.

That was the reason he called the woman so early in the morning to ask her about the treat. It was all because he wanted to talk about his problems in private.


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