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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 253

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 253

However, Zong Jinghao didn’t have the time to bother with the icy coldness. All he had in mind was to swim as fast as he could towards his wife.

Between the continuous floating and drowning, Lin Xinyan somehow saw her husband swimming in her direction. She wanted to wave and call out his name, but her body did not listen to her mind. She felt something wrapping around her legs and dragging her downwards.

Zong Jinghao! Zong Jinghao…

Big gulps of water entered her mouth and drowned her cries of help.

“Lin Xinyan!!”

Zong Jinghao took a deep breath before diving back down in search of his wife.

Soon, he found the woman struggling with the long seaweeds tugging on her legs. No matter how hard she tried, she simply couldn’t get rid of it. The man swam to her swiftly and caught hold of her in his arms. Then he pressed his lips on hers and passed some air to her from mouth to mouth.

Lin Xinyan widened her eyes and hugged him tightly like she had caught a lifebuoy.

Zong Jinghao pushed her away and shook his head before diving deeper to pull off the seaweeds on her legs.

By the time he caught her again, the woman had lost conscious.

She was deprived of oxygen for too long. That one mouthful of air was not enough to sustain her underwater.

Soon enough, Zong Jinghao brought his wife out of the water.

“Daddy! Mummy!” The twins yelled when they saw their father carrying their mother ashore. “Let’s go back now,” Zong Jinghao said, and the twins followed him up the car.

Bai Yinning was about to approach them but was ignored by the other man.

Judging from the footsteps along the bank, Lin Xinyan did not fall into the lake by accident.

Since Bai Yinning introduced them to this place, Zong Jinghao had every reason to suspect him, hence he refused to speak a word with him.

Before everything was clear, Bai Yinning was one of the suspects.

“Gao Yuan, check the CCTV’s.” Bai Yinning had an ugly face as well.

Since he was the one who brought them here, he had the responsibility to investigate Lin Xinyan’s accident and give Zong Jinghao an explanation.

Gao Yuan nodded in compliance. “I’ll go now.”

In the car, Lin Xinyan finally regained her consciousness after Zong Jinghao’s repeated CPR. Her vision was blurry with tears, but she could vaguely see the silhouette of her worried husband.

The woman immediately hugged him. She was almost frightened to death this time.

This was her second drowning experience. The moment she went beneath the water, she could feel the Grim Reaper right beside her. She was terrified she would leave him and her kids like that.

“I… I’m so scared!”

Zong Jinghao hugged her comfortingly as he kissed her wet forehead. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now.”

Both of them were completely drenched, causing Lin Xinyan to shiver violently in his arms. She was feeling so cold! So terribly cold!

“Turn up the heater!”

His breath, his rage and his livid roar were all conducted to her body like an electric current. Lin Xinyan could feel his fear and guilt, in which she responded by hugging him tightly. This was not his fault at all.

It was her fault for being careless and did not let the guards follow her. That was why she almost drowned in the lake.

Upon recalling how she met Yao Qingqing on her way back from buying the fish feeds, Lin Xinyan buried herself in her husband’s arms as she muttered in a frightened tone, “I did not fall in the lake by accident. It was Yao Qingqing.”

She was on her way back when Yao Qingqing suddenly appeared before her.


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