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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 256

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 256

It was as if thunder struck Yao Qingqing. She stood motionless and then slowly let go of Bai Yinning’s arm. I don’t deserve him. I’m tainted. My body is tainted.

I don’t deserve him anymore. I don’t deserve him.

She was panicked and helpless. She stepped back because she was scared that her dirtiness might taint Bai Yinning.

I hate it. I hate it. I hate the person who tainted me. She thought that the world was unfair to her.

“It’s still not too late to turn over a new leaf,” Bai Yinning advised her with whatever patience he had left. He hoped that she could understand what he was trying to say and that she would confess her sins. He thought that Lin Xinyan would definitely give her a chance to turn over a new leaf because of Lin Xinyan’s kindness.

“Ha, Haha…” Yao Qingqing laughed, and her laughter grew louder and louder. Her eyes turned bloodshot as she met Bai Yinning’s undeniably disappointed gaze, “The one who needs to turn over a new leaf is you, is you, Bai Yinning!”

Bai Yinning closed his eyes. He knew that there was no salvation left for Yao Qingqing anymore.

He did all that he could and he upheld his moral values. No one could save Yao Qingqing now that she had forced herself onto a path of no return.

“I have done all that I could. Please don’t blame me in the future and I hope that you won’t regret your decisions,” Bai Yinning took out his phone and called Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan picked up very quickly. Bai Yinning didn’t even look up at Yao Qingqing when he said, “Send her there.”

Yao Qingqing’s hazel eyes protruded out and she looked demented when she said, “Who? Who are you sending me to?!”

Bai Yinning didn’t speak. He didn’t even want to look at her.

“I’ll ask you again. Where are you sending me?” Yao Qingqing rushed to him and grabbed his arm again. Veins popped out across her thin arms as she said, “Are you sending me to them so that they can do whatever they want to me?”

Bai Yinning remained silent. He didn’t want to show her any emotion even though he felt pain in his arms.

She’s not worth it.

She has utterly disappointed me.

I advised her because of our relationship we used to have, and now she wants to cut things off.

I can’t do anything else.

“Are you sending me to them to please that woman?” Yao Qingqing seemed absolutely deranged. She just wanted an answer. An answer that she wouldn’t be able to accept, but a truthful answer nonetheless.

“Have you forgotten that winter? There was a huge snow and our blankets were very thin. The only reason you survived the cold was because you took my blanket and cuddled with me for warmth! Now you’re sending me out just to please a woman. We were childhood friends and now I’m not even worth as much to you as that woman?!”

She felt utterly hopeless. I just want the best for him and now he’s sending me out just to please a woman?

Ha, Haha…

“Bai Yinning, am I blind, or have you forgotten our relationship?”

Bai Yinning was finally willing to look up at her. But he wasn’t willing to speak to her anymore.

Because he knew that no matter what he said she would never listen to him.

Nobody can wake up someone who’s only pretending to sleep.

Click, the door opened and Gao Yuan entered with two men. Once he saw that Yao Qingqing was grabbing onto Bai Yinning, he immediately asked the men to capture her.

“Don’t come here, don’t come here-” Yao Qingqing was absolutely terrified. She knelt down below Bai Yinning and grabbed onto his pants, “Yinning, I’m just doing it for your sake. Are you really pushing me away?”

Bai Yinning looked at her. I spent all my patience trying to advise her, but she still doesn’t want to turn over a new leaf. All she wants to do is blame me.

He suppressed his anger, “This is your last chance. If you apologize sincerely to her, I’ll make sure that you won’t get hurt…”

“Never, I will never apologize to her!” Yao Qingqing screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Gao Yuan, take her away.” There wasn’t any hesitation in his voice. This time, Bai Yinning made up his mind. He felt that he was too naive for trying to wake Yao Qingqing up.

She has already walked on a path of no return. No one can wake her up from her madness anymore.

“No, no…” Yao Qingqing was struggling to break free, but the room was only that big, and the two bulky men captured her easily. It was impossible for her to try to escape.

“Yinning, Yinning, you can’t do this to me…” Yao Qingqing was scared, but she didn’t want to admit that Bai Yinning could sacrifice her for the sake of Lin Xinyan.

She didn’t know that she was in the wrong.

She just thought that she was doing it for Bai Yinning’s sake.

Bai Yinning is blinded. He only cares about Lin Xinyan.

Her heart ached profusely.

“You’ll regret it, you’ll regret it…”

Bai Yinning’s expression was thunderous. Gao Yuan knew how to pick up on cues like that, so he asked the two men, “Can’t you hear that it’s too noisy in here?”

The men understood at once and they covered Yao Qingqing’s mouth. They then dragged her out regardless of her struggling.

Yao Qingqing’s voice disappeared from the study in no time. Gao Yuan stood at the door and asked Bai Yinning again, “Do we send her over?”

He was scared that Bai Yinning was acting on a whim.


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