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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 258

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 258

“Did you investigate me?” Yao Qingqing frantically tried to jump up and fight Shen Peichuan because it was her secret, and she couldn’t allow anyone to know about it.

But her legs were tied. The moment she tried to jump up, she fell back down again.

Shen Peichuan smiled. He knew that this was her weakness, so he continued to provoke her, “You were pregnant at 16 years old and you even gave birth to child. However, your child…died.”

“Shut up, shut up!” Yao Qingqing shrieked. She shook her head violently because Shen Peichuan’s words struck her like lightning, splitting her into half and separating her flesh from her bones.

Then, she went into a frenzied state and sometimes she lied motionless on the ground like a puppet.

On the second floor.

Bai Yinning frowned deeply. Shen Peichuan’s words were very easy to understand, but it shocked him to his core. Yao Qingqing got herself pregnant when she was 16? And she even gave birth to the child?

This was a piece of shocking news even for him.

16 year old girls are considered underage.

He understood what Shen Peichuan meant about a ‘surprise’.

He held on to his armrest and stared at Yao Qingqing. He needed to question her personally about certain things.

With his help of his driver, he went downstairs.

Yao Qingqing’s head was lowered down and her hair was messy. Through the slits of her hair, she could vaguely see Bai Yinning approaching her on a wheelchair.

Bai Yinning?

She looked up instantly and stared at Bai Yinning. He’s here too?

Does that mean that he heard what Shen Peichuan said?


“Tell me what happened. Why did you hide the fact that you gave birth to a child when you were 16?” He frowned. At that moment, he realized that he didn’t know her at all.

She wasn’t willing to talk about it and he had never took the initiative to investigate the matter.

He had always thought that her stepparents had treated her badly, but he never thought that…

It was obvious that it had to do with her family because she was underage when she got pregnant.

Yao Qingqing was extremely affected by his words and she curled up into a ball. She wanted to hide and disappear. She didn’t want anyone to see her in this state.

“Say something!” Bai Yinning growled.

“I can’t!” Yao Qingqing’s voice was even louder than his. She wanted to escape this place and disappear. She didn’t want to face him or anyone else.

I’m in so much pain. Don’t force me!

“How can anyone help you if you don’t say something?!” Bai Yinning’s expression had an unprecedented darkness.

Yao Qingqing looked at Bai Yinning and laughed. Then she cried when she looked at him again.

“No one can help me. I’m already tainted…” Her lips trembled as if she recalled something horrific. Her flushed cheeks turned deathly pale. Her gaze was lifeless when she stared at Bai Yinning, “Are you disgusted by me?”

Bai Yinning shook his head.

But Yao Qingqing knew that he was lying to her.

“Yes. I gave birth to a child, and it’s my stepfather’s child.” After she said that, she started to laugh. Her tears then started to stream down her face as she laughed, “He raped me when I was thirteen and it lasted for three years…”

Yao Qingqing had just turned thirteen that year. Her body wasn’t fully developed yet, but one could still see that she was adorable. Her brother was just a few years old at that time and he often cried at night. Her stepfather used the excuse that her stepbrother was too noisy for him to avoid sleeping with her stepmother.

One day, it was raining very heavily and thunder rumbled loudly. Even the cows that were restrained to her house were kicking viciously at the walls because they were afraid of the thunder.

She was hiding in her malodorous and thin blanket because she was afraid too.

Suddenly the door opened with a creak-


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