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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 305

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 305

Su Zhan’s heart skipped a beat. I can’t send Grandma to the hospital; that would reveal that everything was a trick! Especially since Qin Ya is so suspicious already!

Just as he was debating on what to do next, Grandma Su suddenly felt an agonizing pain shoot through her head. Her body began to convulse uncontrollably.

Thinking that she was still pretending, Su Zhan did not worry about her. His mind was preoccupied with thinking about how he could stop Qin Ya from leaving. “So you’ll believe me if I send Grandma to the hospital?”

Qin Ya was absolutely speechless at the man.

The old woman’s convulsions were getting worse, while her breathing grew erratic. One corner of her lips drooped lower than the other side and she was barely able to stutter out, “S-S-Su Zhan…”

Sensing something was truly wrong, Qin Ya urged, “Quick, send Grandma to the hospital. I don’t think that she’s pretending anymore!”

It was only then that Su Zhan detected the tremors running through his grandmother’s body. Tensing, he swiftly gathered her into his arms and strode outside.

“She’s not wearing suitable clothing!” The old woman was only clad in a thin nightgown, an article of clothing that was in no way able to protect her from the cold outside. Dropping her suitcase, Qin Ya ran back into the house to fetch the elder’s mink coat before rushing back to Su Zhan’s side.

He placed his grandmother down in the backseat of the car, whereupon Qin Ya draped the coat on top of her. “Go drive. I’ll look after her.”

Su Zhan stared at her, his emotions coiling inside of him. “Qin Ya, I-”

“Drive!” she snapped. It was obvious that something was severely wrong with the old woman as she was foaming at the mouth.

Panicking at the sight, he slipped into the driver’s seat and sped off towards the direction of the hospital.

In the backseat, Qin Ya was holding Grandma Su in her arms. The elderly woman’s consciousness was fading and she did not react when Qin Ya called out to her.

In his desperation to get to the hospital as swiftly as he could, Su Zhan ran several red lights and came close to having a traffic accident a few times as well.

What should have been a twenty-minute journey took them only ten.

Su Zhan carried the old woman into the hospital and headed straight for the emergency room with Qin Ya hot on his heels.

In no time at all, the old woman was whisked away by the doctors. Su Zhan demanded, “What’s wrong with my Grandma?”

Instructing the nurses to wheel Grandma Su into the operating theater, the doctor replied, “Primary diagnosis suggests that she’s suffering from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. Please wait out here.” He then shut the doors to the operating theater.

For a long while, Su Zhan was stunned. Cerebral hemorrhage? That’s something very serious, isn’t it? She could die from that!

He had thought that she was acting at first, which was why he had not thought much of it at the time. Now, he was wondering if his neglect would affect the efficacy of her treatment. Furious at himself, he punched the wall in frustration.

The thud his fist made sent shudders down Qin Ya’s spine.

A nurse approached them, asking, “Are any of you her family members?”

Since Su Zhan was lost in his self-blame and worry, Qin Ya neared the nurse and stated, “I am.”

The other woman handed her a bill. “Here’s the bill. Please pay it downstairs.”

Accepting the piece of paper, she answered, “I’ll do it right away.”

She, too, was worried about delaying Grandma Su’s treatment. With the mink coat still in hand, she rushed downstairs to pay the bill.

Once she was at the payment counter on the first floor, she used her own card to pay.

Returning to the operating theater, she saw that Su Zhan was sitting on one of the chairs lining the corridor, with his head buried in his hands. His knuckles were bleeding from his earlier punch.

She went to his side to inspect the wounds better. As she had thought, he had split the skin of his knuckles and it was now bleeding heavily.

“You should get that looked at. Grandma will worry if she comes out and sees that you’re injured.”


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