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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 320

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 320

Zong Jinghao glanced at his wife with a deep frown. He was not uneasy over Lin Guoan’s death. Rather, he was uneasy over his intuition that Lin Guoan’s death must have been related to Zhuang Zijin.

From the day when she had decided to remarry Lin Guoan, Zong Jinghao already had a bad feeling about this. As predicted by him, Lin Guoan was dead, on New Year’s Eve.

Zong Jinghao went to the window and only spoke after making sure that Lin Xinyan couldn’t hear him. “Where was he found dead?”

“At his home. I’m at the crime scene now. This news came as a shock to me as well. He just died so suddenly, without any sickness or injuries. Is this karma coming into play?” Shen Peichuan rambled on.

Naturally, Zong Jinghao brushed that superstition off.

“I’ll go over now.” If it weren’t for the fact that this incident involved Lin Xinyan’s relatives, Zong Jinghao wouldn’t even have bothered to pay heed to such a matter.

In fact, Lin Guoan’s death was not enough to make him take this matter into his own hands. He was worried that Zhuang Zijin was involved in his death, and that was why he had to take care of it.

For so many years, Lin Xinyan and Zhuang Zijin were inseparable as they pulled through their hardships together. They had a very connected mother-daughter relationship. Although Lin Xinyan was mad at Zhuang Zijin for not listening to her as she insisted on remarrying Lin Guoan, Zong Jinghao could see that his wife still cared for her mother deeply.

It would be good if Zhuang Zijin were not involved in this case. But if she is…

Zong Jinghao hung up the call and returned to the dining hall. Lin Xinyan still continued to ignore him as she enjoyed her meal.

A strand of her hair slid over her shoulders as she lowered her head. Zong Jinghao tucked the loose strand behind her ear and uttered softly, “I’m going out now.”

Lin Xinyan hummed in reply.

“There’s no one else at home today, so you can go back and sleep for a while after you’re done eating,” Zong Jinghao added gently.

Lin Xinyan nodded and asked, “You’re going to your company?”

Zong Jinghao hesitated and lied, “Su Zhan and Shen Peichuan have asked me to join them for lunch.”

“Oh, okay. Don’t drink too much. It’s bad for your health,” Lin Xinyan uttered in concern.

Zong Jinghao was surprised by the concern in her voice, and his eyes curved into a hearty grin. For so many years, there was no one else who actually cared about his health, and Lin Xinyan was the first. He kissed his wife affectionately as warmth enveloped him. “Wait for me to come back.”

Lin Xinyan pushed him lightly. “Go now. Don’t keep them waiting.”

Zong Jinghao hummed in reply and left with his coat.

Right after Zong Jinghao had left, Aunt Yu entered from the courtyard.

She removed her snow-covered coat at the entrance and saw that Lin Xinyan was still by the dining table. The hems of Lin Xinyan’s sweater were rolled up slightly, revealing a bruise on her waist.

Aunt Yu thought that her eyes were playing tricks on her and approached Lin Xinyan to check on her waist.

She rounded her eyes in horror when she saw that it was really a bruise. “Your waist…”

Hearing that, Lin Xinyan pulled her sweater down frantically.

“Did Young Master Jinghao hit you? Does he have a tendency for violence?” Aunt Yu’s eyes were filled with disbelief. Who else could have hit her if not Zong Jinghao?

“No, I fell down and knocked my waist last night,” Lin Xinyan lied.

Aunt Yu still refused to believe her. “How did you end up knocking your waist?”

Lin Xinyan lowered her head and let her hair cover her beet-red face. “I slipped in the toilet, that’s how I knocked my waist. Excuse me, I’m going up first.”

Afraid that Aunt Yu would pester her further, Lin Xinyan got up and escaped from the dining room frantically.

Aunt Yu eyed the unfinished bowl of soup and called out, “Are you full? You haven’t finished your soup yet.”

“I’m full now.”


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