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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 323

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 323

Although Aunt Yu was never married herself, she knew about love marks on the bodies of a loving couple. The only thing that she wasn’t aware of, was that some love-making sessions could be aggressive enough to leave bruises on the body.

Everyone shifted their gazes to Lin Xinyan, including Zong Jinghao. “You’re injured? Where did you injure yourself?”

Before Lin Xinyan could speak, Aunt Yu replied on her behalf, “She had slipped in the shower, and there’s a huge bruise on her waist. I saw it when her sweater rolled up during lunchtime. If I didn’t notice that, I’m sure that she wouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“Should we send you to the hospital then?” Cheng Yuxiu asked in concern.

“No, There’s no need for that. I’m fine.” Lin Xinyan struggled to maintain a casual tone as she spoke.

She was so embarrassed now that she had just wanted to dig a hole and hide in it.

On the other hand, Zong Jinghao sank in deep thought. She had slipped last night?

Why didn’t I notice that?

“Let’s go! We’re going to be late!” Lin Xinyan tried to divert their attention as she helped Lin Xichen into his coat.

Zong Jinghao landed his gaze on her waist and his lashes flickered in understanding.

Cheng Yuxiu was still worried as she whispered beside Lin Xinyan. “Are you sure that you’re alright?’

“Yes, I’m really fine,” Lin Xinyan answered, without lifting her head while tying her son’s shoelace.

Cheng Yuxiu could see that Lin Xinyan did not want to continue the topic.

However, Aunt Yu didn’t catch Lin Xinyan’s obvious avoidance and asked once again, “There are no anti-slip mats for the bathroom upstairs, right? If we don’t install them, it’s easy to slip and fall.”

“We did, actually,” Cheng Yuxiu replied. In fact, they had not only had anti-slip mats. The tiles in the bathroom floor were also made of anti-slip materials of high quality, so it shouldn’t have been possible to slip in the first place. Lin Xinyan’s fall might have merely been an accident.

Cheng Yuxiu did not think of other possibilities when she responded as such.

Currently, Aunt Yu was confused. Hmm? If there are anti-slip mats, then how did our young mistress slip in the bathroom?

“Alright, let’s go,” Zong Qifeng called out.

Everyone put on their coats and headed out of the house. The wind was blowing strongly, as sounds of their crunchy footsteps in the snow joined in, with the whooshing sounds of the wind.

Lin Ruixi finally did not insist on making Lin Xinyan carry her and stayed obediently in Zong Jinghao’s arms.

Perhaps it was due to the reflection of the pristine white snow, their surroundings still appeared pretty bright, despite the night’s darkness.

The cars left the villa one by one.

The snow-covered road was now printed with crisscrossing tire tracks.

The restaurant they were heading to was booked by Zong Qifeng, as it had a private room that could host twenty people. Back to the times when Zong Jinghao did not return to celebrate the New Year, all the maids and drivers would often join the Zong family household for the reunion dinner, as though they were from the same family.

That would make the dinner more cheerful, with so many people to celebrate together.

Compared to the past few years, Zong Qifeng was the happiest that he had ever been this year. He could hardly remember how long had it been since he had last spent the New Year’s Eve with Zong Jinghao.

When everyone took their seats, the waiter came over and asked to serve the dishes.

Before Zong Qifeng could answer him, Lin Ruixi replied impatiently, “Please serve the dishes. I’m hungry!”

The waiter smiled but still turned to Zong Qifeng for confirmation.

“Listen to my granddaughter then,” Zong Qifeng confirmed with a wave of his hand.

“Alright,” the waiter answered and retreated from the room. A while later, a row of waiters started to serve the delicious dishes.

Lin Ruixi salivated at the delicious food before her. “Wow! It smells so good! I want to eat it now!”


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