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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 332

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 332

The man was caught off guard. What did I just say?

His memory quickly returned to him and he addressed Guan Jing, “Oh. I told Mr. Zong that your girlfriend is pretty.”

Guan Jing jumped slightly, almost losing his balance. His eyes widened to the size of saucers and he barked, “Are you blind? Since when did I have a girlfriend?”

Lin Xinyan was standing next to Zong Jinghao. She caught the subtle twitches in the vein in his temple and leaned in toward him discreetly.

A stranger misunderstood because he doesn’t know any better.

Is it really worth getting angry over?

The man was dumbfounded by Guan Jing’s response. What’s going on?

He looked at Guan Jing, then at Lin Xinyan.

Did I say something wrong?

Sweat pooled on the man’s forehead. “I… I was…”

Lin Xinyan was well aware of Zong Jinghao’s temper. I chose not to come in because I didn’t want to disturb him. I can’t allow him to take his anger out on someone who formed a reasonable misunderstanding.

She turned to the man. “I’m actually here for Mr. Zong. You can go back to work.”

The man did not dare to move on her command. He looked at Zong Jinghao, awaiting his order.

The president growled, “Didn’t you hear what she said?”

The man’s jaw fell open. I think I just stumbled upon something.

This woman…

“Why are you still here?” Guan Jing spat at him.

The man anxiously scuttled out. In his haste, he failed to notice the door and collided headfirst into it. A small bump swelled on his forehead. Guan Jing turned to face him. “If there’s something wrong with your eyes, you should get it checked out at the hospital.”

“I am due for an eye checkup.” The man placed a hand over his bump and scrambled out.

Guan Jing erupted into sniggers. Serve you right for making such a blunder.

Zong Jinghao did not join him. Instead, he stared at him blankly.

His tepid reaction irritated Guan Jing, who threw a pleading expression toward Lin Xinyan.

This is my fault. Don’t aggravate him.

Lin Xinyan was about to speak when Zong Jinghao beat her to it. “You want to ask me to go easy on him?”

She immediately sealed her lips.

Guan Jing appeared to be resigned to his fate.

Today’s really not my day.

Lin Xinyan reached out to clasp his hand and asked, “What time do you get off work?”

Zong Jinghao was still fuming and did not reply her.

Lin Xinyan snaked her arms around his neck and whined, “I’m hungry. Can we go eat now?”

Behind Zong Jinghao’s back, she gestured at Guan Jing who received her message and quietly sneaked toward the door.

Zong Jinghao lowered his gaze at her. She flashed him a wide grin. Without lifting his head, Zong Jinghao muttered, “This acquisition will be headed by you.”

Guan Jing let out a sigh of relief. “Yes, Sir.”

He marched out of the office quickly, shutting the door behind him.

Lin Xinyan released her grip and was about to back away when she felt Zong Jinghao wrap his arms around her waist. With one yank, she found herself pressed up against him. His lips curled up and he purred, “Trying to leave after you’ve used me?”

Their bodies were plastered together. Lin Xinyan hung her head and whispered, “You’re too petty.”

He lifted her face by her chin and planted a light kiss on her lips. “How am I petty?”

I’m extremely normal. Which man could tolerate their beloved being called someone else’s girlfriend?

Men and their machismo, Lin Xinyan lamented inwardly.

Her next words came out slow and strained, “Can you call Su Zhan for me? I need to see him.”

Zong Jinghao did not respond.

“Why did you call me here?” Lin Xinyan asked.

He had been busy recently, leaving for work early and only returned late at night. It had been some time since they last sat down for a meal together. He instructed his secretary to make a reservation so he could have a private dinner with Lin Xinyuan.

Instead of answering her question, Zong Jinghao asked, “Why do you need to see Su Zhan?”

Lin Xinyan thought back to Qin Ya’s tortured expression. She let out a small sigh and raised her head to meet Zong Jinghao’s gaze. “I want to punch him.”


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