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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 338

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 338

Cheng Yuxiu replied in the affirmative with a faint hum.

“Then is he willing to stop?” Lin Xinyan asked eagerly.

Cheng Yuxiu took a deep breath and shook her head. “No. He seems to be aware of Jinghao’s identity, but I will not let him continue to investigate.”

Before Lin Xinyan could tell her that Zong Jinghao found out about Bai Yinning, her phone vibrated on the dining table.

It showed Shen Peichuan’s number.

Lin Xinyan looked at Cheng Yuxiu and said, “Excuse me while I answer the call.”

She walked to the window and pressed the answer button. “Hello?”

“It’s me. I investigated what Jinghao asked me to.”

Lin Xinyan’s nerves tensed, and she straightened her back. “Go ahead,” she prompted.

“It might not be clear over the phone. Let’s talk about it when we meet.”

Lin Xinyan thought for a while and said, “Okay.”

After hanging up the call, she put her phone in her pocket and walked back to the dining room. Seeing that Cheng Yuxiu was looking at the sea cucumber in her bowl, she smiled and said, “Mom, you must be hungry too.”

She took a bowl from the kitchen and transferred some sea cucumbers from her bowl. “Please don’t mind it. I haven’t touched it yet.”

Cheng Yuxiu grabbed her hand to stop her. “I’m not hungry. Look how thin you are. You should eat more. And don’t get involved with Bai Yinning. He is trouble personified.”

Lin Xinyan agreed to her request.

Knowing Zong Jinghao’s temper, she didn’t want to be involved with Bai Yinning, anyway.

Cheng Yuxiu returned to her room, and Lin Xinyan forced herself to finish the sea cucumbers. After downing the last of it with a mouthful of water, she put on her clothes and went out.

She drove to meet Shen Peichuan at the designated located.

They were meeting at a bar, and because it was daytime, there weren’t many people. Shen Peichuan was sitting in a booth, drinking.

Lin Xinyan entered the bar, and he asked, “What would you like to drink?”

“Just give me juice. She sat down.

Shen Peichuan asked the bartender to pour a glass of juice. Lin Xinyan glanced at him and asked, “Why did you choose this place?”

“It’s quiet and I want to have a drink,” he said and took a sip of alcohol.

He put down the glass on the table, but continued to fiddle with it. “The words ‘despicable’ and ‘shameless’ cannot describe humans’ nasty and insidious nature.”

Lin Xinyan asked cautiously, “Did something upset you?”

He wouldn’t have been so emotional otherwise.

Without replying to her, Shen Peichuan handed Lin Xinyan the file he had placed on the table. “See for yourself.”

Lin Xinyan had a rough idea of what was in the file.

Seeing how Shen Peichuan was behaving, she had a bad feeling about it.

Nevertheless, she opened the file with curiosity and unease.

It contained more than a dozen pages of information about Liu Feifei’s past, as well as a few photos. There were photos of Liu Feifei alone and her with a man appearing at high-end venues.

Lin Xinyan put down the photos and read the pages of information, but her heart sank deeper as she read page after page.

Su Zhan shared that Liu Feifei told him she left him in the past because she couldn’t give birth and didn’t want to hurt him. But she went to the hospital for numerous abortions in these years?

“How can she be so shameless? Is she still a woman?” Shen Peichuan grimaced. If it weren’t for his remaining sense of logic telling him not to fight a woman, he would have gone to beat up Liu Feifei.

She had left for a rich man and was even willing to be his mistress!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

He wasn’t angry about the things Liu Feifei did. He was angry that she returned to look for Su Zhan after doing those things. How could she?

Why should Su Zhan be the scrap picker?

After reading the last page, Lin Xinyan threw the documents on the table. She knew why Liu Feifei was back. The latter was aging, and her beauty was declining. Moreover, the man had a new wife. Seeing that there was no hope of staying with him, she returned for Su Zhan.

Shen Peichuan packed up the documents. “I have to look for Su Zhan lest he is deceived.”


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