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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 342

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 342

“Who’re you guys?” Looking horrified, Qin Ya stared at the two men. They obviously were a bunch of jerks who harbored malicious intent against her.

It was clear that she was their target, judging from how decisively and swiftly they seized her.

While she was under their supervision, the driver behind the wheel ignored her.

Meanwhile, she tried to wiggle herself out of their control while constantly screaming hysterically, “Let me go!”

The driver, who seemed to find her voice irritating, yelled at the two men, “Do me a favor by keeping her mouth shut!”

They immediately covered her mouth with their hands and warned her, “You’d better be a good girl.”

Her mind went blank with fear. The only thing she wanted to do was run away from this terrifying situation, but the little remaining logical sense in her mind told her she stood no chance.

Hence, she could only stay calm for the time being and bide her time.

The further away from town they went, the more panicked she became.

However, she knew her chances to free herself from the two burly men were slim.

After around an hour, the vehicle left the town area and reached Repulse Bay.

There was a construction ongoing by the beach, and many fishing vessels docked at the bay. When they pulled up to a stop, the two strong men hauled Qin Ya off the car callously when she tried to put up a fight. They seized her by her arms and dragged her to one of the fishing vessels.

Panic-stricken, she started shrieking at the top of her lungs, “Is someone there who can help me? Please, help me! Help…” Smack!

One man slapped her and issued her a stern warning in a menacing voice, “I’d kill you right now if you dare to utter a word again!”

Her head tilted to one side due to the impact of the slap and the right side of her cheeks was burning with pain; she could taste blood in her mouth. “Are you guys after my money? I’m willing to offer all the cash with me if you guys let me go.”

Considering that she had no kins nor enemies in the country, she had not the slightest idea who would want her here.

Therefore, the only possibility she could think of was that the guys did this for her money.

However, they were unfazed by her offer. One of them threatened her with an intimidating look. “You’d better be good and stay quiet. Mind you, we aren’t gentlemen, and if we decide to punish you, you will end up being injured or dying. So, I guess you know what to do right now.”

A sense of despair washed over Qin Ya as the blood froze in her body. If they are not after money, what did they want?

Colors drained from her face as her tongue went numb. It was only after some time did she manage to pose them her question, albeit stammeringly, “Can you tell me why you kidnap me? I want to know the reason because I don’t want to die in confusion.”

One of the guys was fed up with her badgering. Pinching her jaw, he raged, “B*tch, what’s your issue? You will know everything when we arrive later! So now, you’d better keep your mouth shut!”

Qin Ya was immediately deterred from probing any further because she didn’t want them to hurt her. The baby in her womb was her priority.

Soon, she was hauled to a battered-looking fishing vessel. There were fishing nets scattered all over the deck with some dried-up dead fishes caught inside. They then threw her into a filthy little cabin which reeked with a horrible stench.

She started feeling nauseous as her insides started churning.

At last, she had no choice but to dash over to an open window and vomited.

Other than casting her a disgusted glance, the two men did nothing to help her. The cabin only came with a door and a small window, which was only large enough for one’s head. Anyone who tried to sneak out through the window would fall off into the raging waves and die.

Qin Ya stuck her head out to inhale fresh air from outside.

As she was physically exhausted and mentally drained, her head felt heavy and her mind was in a turmoil.


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