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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 351

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 351

“What?” said Lin Xinyan as she tensed up. They had just hung out some time ago, so how did Qin Ya suddenly become so sick that she was hospitalized?

“What happened?” asked Lin Xinyan in a worried tone.

“I don’t know the specific either. She’s in the second branch of the People’s Hospital.”

Lin Xinyan started the car and drove over.

Zong Jinghao leaned closer and nonchalantly placed his hand on her thigh. Lin Xinyan was wearing a black shirt, a pair of jeans, and a coat that matched her perfectly. His palm burned as he caressed her and cooed, “Stay calm.”

Lin Xinyan shot a look at his hand before informing, “She’s pregnant, so being hospitalized is not a good thing.”

Zong Jinghao suddenly pinched her leg, and Lin Xinyan frowned as she warned, “I. Am. Driving.”

Zong Jinghao stared intently at Lin Xinyan and claimed, “I want another daughter.”

Lin Xinyan bit her lip. They had never used any protection when they got together, but she still wasn’t pregnant.

When she gave birth to the twins, the doctor informed her that it would be difficult for her to get pregnant again.

At the time, Lin Xinyan thought little of it, because she thought that two kids were enough, but…

“We should get their surnames changed when we’re free,” said Lin Xinyan in a serious tone.

At least one kid had to have the surname of Zong if she and Zong Jinghao got together, but never have another kid.

They couldn’t exactly let Zong Jinghao’s bloodline to end with him.

Zong Jinghao’s hold on Lin Xinyan’s thigh softened, and he caressed her to comfort her instead. He still remembered how Lin Xinyan said that she might never get pregnant again. He thought she was just messing with him.

At that moment, Zong Jinghao realized she was being truthful. They had never used any protection, but she still wasn’t pregnant.

The twins were conceived after a single night of unprotected sex. That proved that Lin Xinyan used to be super fertile. However, the couple had gotten together once more and had been sleeping together for over two months, but they still weren’t pregnant.

“I don’t want another kid,” said Lin Xinyan. She was genuinely terrified, and she still remembered what the labor pain was like.

Even thinking about it got her to tremble.

She might be willing to go through that pain again if their relationship was strong, and her body was healthy and fertile.

Unfortunately, being pregnant was no longer possible, so she might as well give him a definite answer. It was worse if he held out for hope and fantasized about it.

He won’t be disappointed if he never held out for hope or fantasized about it.

Lin Xinyan parked the car by the hospital’s entrance, and the two lovebirds were in sync when they stopped talking about that particular topic. Still, it felt a little awkward.

Zong Jinghao quietly got out of the car, and Lin Xinyan walked over. To break the awkward silence, she asked, “Did Su Zhan call to tell you about this?”

Zong Jinghao murmured a simple reply.

Lin Xinyan thought, Could it be that Su Zhan and Qin Ya got into an argument because he learned she is pregnant? Is that what got her hospitalized?

That made little sense because Su Zhan definitely won’t argue with Qin Ya if he knew she was pregnant.

Lin Xinyan was worried about Qin Ya, so the former walked quickly. Zong Jinghao put his arms around her shoulder and held her without saying a word.

Lin Xinyan’s anxious heart slowly settled down, and she followed his pace as they walked to the operating theatre.

Su Zhan was in the corridor. He still had that same wet outfit on, but he had been in the hospital for a while, and the air conditioner had dried it up a little.

He paced around the corridor nervously, and when he saw Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao walking over, he paused.


“What’s wrong? Why is she hospitalized suddenly?” asked Lin Xinyan.

Su Zhan replied in a guilty tone, “This is all my fault.”

If I had made things clear with Liu Feifei none of this would’ve happened, and Qin Ya wouldn’t be…

“I asked you what happened,” growled Lin Xinyan sternly.


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